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Available Publications: Ag Sector Profiles (Sector Notebooks)

Ag Sector Profiles (Sector Notebooks) Topic

Document Number

Document Name

___50099* Profile of the Agricultural Chemical, Pesticide, and Fertilizer Industry, 200 pages, September 2000, (EPA 310-R-00-003)
___50097* Profile of the Agricultural Crop Production Industry, 178 pages, September 2000, (EPA 310-R-00-001)
___50098* Profile of the Agricultural Livestock Production Industry, 159 pages, September 2000, (EPA 310-R-00-002)
* These documents can not be faxed to you due to their length. Hard copies can either be downloaded from the web or mailed to you.

To request any document on this page, note the document number and call  
1 888 663 2155, or print this document, mark your selections, and send or fax to:

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Kansas City, KS 66101
Fax: (913) 551 - 7270

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