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Agriculture Division


Director: Rick Colbert
Phone Number: (202) 564-2320

The Agriculture Division is responsible for environmental compliance programs for agricultural production, including agricultural chemicals, pest control, livestock, crops, and irrigation, as well as structural pesticide use, forestry, and lawn care. The Agriculture Division also manages the Good Laboratory Practices Program and sponsors EPA's National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center, the first stop for people in the agricultural community who need information on compliance with environmental regulations.

EPA's National Strategy for Agriculture underlines the Agency’s commitment to a strong partnership with the agriculture community to assist in fulfilling its mission of protecting human health and the environment. Communication, collaboration and innovation are the basic tools emphasized in this strategy for constructing these essential partnerships.

The Agriculture Division is responsible for:  

Program Implementation
Compliance Assistance
Compliance Monitoring
Guidance/Policy Development
Compliance Data Quality Assurance
Media Program Expertise

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