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Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 2004 - Statistical Tables


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Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 2004 - Statistical Tables

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Table 18. Time from arrest to adjudication for felony defendants, by most serious arrest charge, 2004

Most serious
arrest charge
Felony defendants in the 75 largest counties
Number of
Median time
to adjudication  
Cumulative percent of cases adjudicated within —
1 week 1 month 3 months   6 months 1 year
   All offenses 56,779     85 days 7 % 28 % 52 % 71 % 88 %
Violent offenses 12,842   130 days 3 % 18 % 39 % 62 % 83 %
  Murder 348   >   1   5   11   24   48  
  Rape 531   176   1   7   28   51   76  
  Robbery 3,078   140   3   15   37   60   86  
  Assault 6,792   113   4   22   43   66   86  
  Other violent 2,093   138   2   14   37   58   79  
Property offenses 17,359   76 days 6 % 27 % 55 % 74 % 89 %
  Burglary 4,475   72   6   29   57   77   93  
  Larceny/theft 4,458   75   5   26   56   76   90  
  Motor vehicle theft 2,029   40   9   44   70   84   92  
  Forgery 2,094   99   4   22   47   67   86  
  Fraud 1,808   91   8   22   50   69   87  
  Other property 2,500   98   5   23   48   69   85  
Drug offenses 20,862   66 days 11 % 36 % 57 % 74 % 89 %
  Trafficking 8,587   98   7   26   48   67   86  
  Other drug 12,276   44   14   43   64   79   92  
Public-order offenses 5,718   95 days 5 % 23 % 48 % 70 % 88 %
  Weapons 1,750   94   5   26   49   71   89  
  Driving-related 1,809   105   4   18   45   68   89  
  Other public-order 2,160   88   6   26   51   71   87  
Note: Data on time from arrest to adjudication were available
for 99% of all cases. The median time from arrest to adjudication
includes cases still pending at the end of the study.  Knowing the
exact times for these cases would not change the medians reported.
Murder cases were tracked for up to 2 years. All other cases were
tracked for up to 1 year.
> More than 1 year.

Source: State Court Processing Statistics (SCPS)
  See also Methodology.

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