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Region 8 Priorities

map of region 8

Since EPA's creation in 1970, efforts to implement and enforce environmental laws have achieved remarkable success protecting human health and the environment. By many standards, air is cleaner, water is purer, drinking water and food are safer, and land is better protected - both nationally and in Region 8.

Still, persistent problems remain and new challenges are emerging. Ozone is becoming a problem in some of our most populated areas. Runoff from mines, farms and urban areas remains a stubborn source of water pollution. Energy development activities pose potential threats to water quality and ecosystems. These are just some examples.

While there is important work to be done in many areas, Region 8 has identified six priorities that we will focus on with our state and tribal partners. Collectively, these priorities reflect the context in which we will work to achieve and maintain cleaner air, purer water, and better protected land and ecosystems in upcoming years.

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