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Schedules Basic Schedule Ordering Guidelines

MAS Helpdesk (National Customer Service Center)
(800) 488-3111
Fax (816) 926-6952

Basic Schedule Ordering Guidelines provide useful information to start ordering from GSA Schedules.

  1. Publicizing Contract Actions
  2. Ordering Information
  3. GSA Advantage!®
  4. Contract Award
  5. Small Business Participation
  6. AbilityOne/JWOD (NIB/NISH) Supplies and Services
  7. UNICOR Supplies and Services
  8. Contractor Team Arrangements (CTAs)
  9. Maximum Order
  10. Price Reductions
  11. Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs)
  12. Open Market Items
  13. Environmental Considerations
  14. Variable Contract Periods
  15. Evergreen Contracts
  16. Leasing
  17. Authorized Users
  18. Geographic Coverage
  19. Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card
  20. Marking
  21. For Further Assistance
  22. Customer Service Directors
  23. Trade-ins
  24. Trade Agreements Act Information


1. Publicizing Contract Actions

GSA Schedules have been synopsized in FedBizOpps and satisfy the requirements of the Competition in Contracting Act (Pub. Law 98-369) and Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 5, Publicizing Contract Actions.

2. Ordering Information

3. GSA Advantage!®

GSA Advantage!®  is an electronic online shopping and ordering system. GSA Advantage!®  provides online access to several thousand contractors and millions of supplies (products) and services.

4. Contract Award

For a listing of the very latest contract award information, search GSA eLibrary (formerly  Schedules e-Library) by Special Item Number (SIN), Contractor, Contract Number, Schedule Number, or Keywords. Once a Schedule is selected, a list of SINs and the contractors listed below each SIN will appear. When the contractor's Internet address is available, it will be shown. The email address, if available, will enable customers to send an email directly to the Schedule contractor to request a copy of the contractor's Schedule pricelist or any other contract information.

Customers without access to the Internet may contact the National Customer Service Center (NCSC) at (800) 488-3111 for a list of current Schedule contractors. Customers should consult the contractor's catalog/pricelist for more detailed ordering information, such as:

  • Contract items awarded;
  • Maximum order provisions;
  • Geographic coverage (delivery area);
  • Contract prices or discounts;
  • Quantity discounts;
  • Prompt payment terms;
  • Government purchase card terms;
  • Commercial delivery terms;
  • Expedited delivery;
  • Ordering address(es);
  • Payment address(es);
  • Warranty provisions;
  • Export packing charges;
  • Applicable terms and conditions of rental, maintenance, installation, and repair; and
  • Environmental and energy efficiency.

5. Small Business Participation

GSA and the Small Business Administration (SBA) strongly support the participation of small business concerns in the GSA Schedules Program. To enhance small business participation, SBA policy allows agencies to include in their procurement base and goals, the dollar value of orders expected to be placed against GSA Schedule contracts. Actual orders placed against Schedule contracts may be reported as accomplishments and credited toward ordering activities' small business goals.

For orders exceeding the micro-purchase threshold, FAR 8.405 requires agencies to consider reasonably available information by surveying at least three Schedule contractors through the GSA Advantage!®  online shopping service or reviewing the catalogs/pricelists of at least three Schedule contractors. The catalogs/pricelists and GSA Advantage!®  contain information on a broad array of supplies and services offered by small business contractors. This information should be used as a tool to assist agencies in providing the maximum practicable opportunities for small business concerns.

When conducting evaluations and making a best value determination before placing an order, ordering activities should consider including, if available, at least one small business, veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, HUBZone small business, women-owned small business, or small disadvantaged business Schedule contractor. Ordering activities should also give preference to the items of small business concerns when two or more items at the same delivered price will satisfy the requirement.

In accordance with FAR 8.405-5(a), ordering activities should rely on the small business representations made by Schedule contractors at the contract level.

6. AbilityOne/JWOD (NIB/NISH) Supplies and Services

The Ability One Program (NIB/NISH), formerly known as the Javits-Wagner-O'Day (JWOD) Program, provides many supplies and services to federal customers under its mandatory source authority. Before making any purchase from a Schedule contractor, ordering activities should determine if there is a comparable AbilityOne (NIB/NISH) supply or service. Ordering activities should contact an AbilityOne representative to determine if there is an appropriate supply manufactured or service performed by people who are blind or have other severe disabilities.

UNICOR Supplies and Services

UNICOR (Federal Prison Industries) is a mandatory source of supply for certain items similar to those on GSA Schedules. Ordering activities are encouraged to purchase UNICOR supplies and services to the maximum extent practicable.

In accordance with FAR 8.6, if a UNICOR supply item meets the ordering activity's requirement, before purchasing the item from UNICOR, the ordering activity should conduct market research to determine whether the UNICOR item is comparable to supplies available from the private sector that best meet the government's needs in terms of price, quality, and time of delivery. If the UNICOR item is comparable, the ordering activity should follow UNICOR's ordering procedures and purchase the item from UNICOR, unless UNICOR grants a waiver (FAR 8.604), or one of the circumstances in FAR 8.605 applies. Visit UNICOR's website to view a list of UNICOR supplies and services, and to access UNICOR's ordering procedures.

Note: FAR 8.002 specifies the order of priority when acquiring supplies or services. Although UNICOR has priority over GSA Schedules for supplies, GSA Schedules have priority over UNICOR for services.

8. Contractor Team Arrangements (CTAs)

GSA Schedule contractors may use Contractor Team Arrangements to provide total solutions when responding to a customer's requirements. The Contractor Team Arrangements Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provide information on how CTAs work under GSA Schedules and the benefits they provide to both ordering activities and contractors.

9. Maximum Order

If a "best value" selection places an order over the maximum order identified in the contractor's catalog or pricelist, the ordering activity has an opportunity to obtain a better Schedule contract price. Before placing the order, the ordering activity shall contact the contractor to ask for a better discount/price (price reduction).

The contractor may:

  • Offer a new lower price for this requirement;
  • Offer the lowest price available under the contract; or
  • Decline the order within five work days.

An order that exceeds the maximum order may be placed under the Schedule contract with the contractor selected in accordance with FAR 8.405.

10. Price Reductions

Price reductions on GSA Schedule contracts are provided in special circumstances on specific orders.

11. Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs)

Ordering activities may establish Blanket Purchase Agreements under Schedule contracts to fill recurring needs for supplies and services. The Blanket Purchase Agreement Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provide a variety of information on the use of BPAs under GSA Schedule contracts.

12. Open Market Items

The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) has been amended to incorporate policies that address the handling of open market items.

Note: Open market items are also known as incidental items, noncontract items, non-Schedule items, and items not on a GSA Schedule contract.

In accordance with FAR 8.402(f), for administrative convenience, an ordering activity contracting officer may add items not on the GSA Schedule (Multiple Award Schedule) contract—i.e., open market items—to a GSA Schedule Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) or an individual task or delivery order only if

  • All applicable acquisition regulations pertaining to the purchase of the items not on the GSA Schedule contract have been followed (e.g., publicizing (FAR Part 5), competition requirements (FAR Part 6), acquisition of commercial items (FAR Part 12), contracting methods (FAR Parts 13, 14, and 15), and small business programs (FAR Part 19));

  • The ordering activity contracting officer has determined the prices for the items not on the GSA Schedule contract are fair and reasonable;

  • The items are clearly labeled on the order as items not on the GSA Schedule contract; and

  • All clauses applicable to items not on the GSA Schedule contract are included in the order.

13. Environmental Considerations

To assist customers' efforts in complying with the requirements of environmental laws and Executive Orders (considering price, availability, and performance requirements), Schedule contractors have been requested (where possible and/or feasible) to identify items that:

  • Have recycled content (e.g., EPA-designated items with specific content requirements);

  • Are energy and/or water saving (e.g., Energy Star); and
  • Have reduced pollutants (e.g., low volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and chromate-free).

Note: Customers should review contractor literature and contact the contractor directly to obtain complete information regarding environmental claims.

Applicable guidance can be found in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 23, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Part 223, and on the Environmental Products website.

14. Variable Contract Periods

Generally, GSA Schedules will no longer have a prescribed beginning and ending date. The Schedule periods will be continuous, and will contain contracts with contract periods that commence on the Date of Award (DOA) and expire in five years (exclusive of any options) from the DOA.

15. Evergreen Contracts

Evergreen contracting expands the multiyear contracts for all GSA Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) to one five-year basic contract period and three five-year Evergreen option periods.

16. Leasing

Only equipment offered on a GSA Schedule may be leased. Some guidelines for leasing are as follows:

Once the equipment has been selected, a determination needs to be made as to whether it is more advantageous to lease or purchase the equipment. The contracting officer should compare the leasing terms offered from the third-party leasing companies in the Schedule, as well as those offered by the Schedule equipment sellers. For example, most Information Technology (IT) leases, other than Lease to Ownership Plans (LTOP), require the ordering activity and the leasing contractor to determine, as part of the initial lease agreement, the market value of the equipment at the end of the lease term; i.e., its residual value.

Once the best leasing terms have been selected, the contracting officer can compare the advantages of leasing to those of direct purchase. OMB Circular A-94, paragraph c, describes the economic analysis that is to be used in determining the economic impact of leasing vs. purchasing.

Leasing requires a commitment on the agency's part for all the terms and conditions of the lease for the full term of the lease. If an agency has annual appropriations requiring issuance of supplemental funding documents, the agency's procurement and accounting systems must be capable of timely generation of the requirement documents. Customers must also be mindful of submitting "renewal delivery orders" in a timely manner to ensure that their leases do not expire. Cancellation of a lease for lack of funds should only be done when the organization is no longer funded. Court decisions have held that termination for convenience should only be employed when the agency no longer has a requirement for the equipment. Example: An employee has retired and the position will not be filled, so now there is a piece of equipment that is not needed. In other words, a desire for something different, newer, or better is not a justification for the premature cancellation of a lease.

Note: Customers are reminded to submit their renewal delivery orders in a timely manner to ensure that their leases do not expire.

17. Authorized Users

The agencies and activities named below may use contracts established under GSA Schedules:

  • All federal agencies and activities in the executive, legislative and judicial branches;
  • Government contractors authorized in writing by a federal agency pursuant to 48 CFR 51.1;
  • Mixed ownership government corporations (as defined in the Government Corporation Control Act);
  • The government of the District of Columbia; and
  • Other activities and organizations authorized by statute or regulation to use GSA as a source of supply.

Note: The GSA Order, Eligibility to Use GSA Sources of Supply and Services, provides further information regarding agencies and activities authorized to use GSA Schedules.

18. Geographic Coverage

All GSA Schedules provide contractors the opportunity to offer worldwide coverage. Schedule contractors may offer any of the following three categories of geographic coverage:

  • Domestic, which will cover delivery to the 48 contiguous states; Washington, DC; Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico; and U.S. territories;
  • Worldwide, which will cover delivery domestically and overseas; and
  • Overseas Only, which will cover delivery to overseas destinations.

19. Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card

Agencies may make payments for oral or written orders by using the governmentwide commercial purchase card. Payments made using the GSA SmartPay® purchase card ARE NOT eligible for any negotiated prompt payment discount.

"Governmentwide commercial purchase card" means a uniquely numbered credit card issued to named individual government employees or entities, to pay for official government purchases.

Schedule contractors are required to accept the government purchase card as payment for acquisitions up to the micro-purchase threshold. The card may be used for payment in excess of this threshold if the using agency and contractor agree.

Guidance on the use of the governmentwide commercial purchase card is available on the GSA SmartPay® website. Customer agencies will also have their own internal operating procedures.

The contractor shall not process a transaction for payment through the credit card clearinghouse until the purchased supplies have been shipped or services performed. Unless the cardholder requests correction or replacement of a defective or faulty item in accordance with other contract requirements, the contractor shall immediately credit a cardholder's account for items returned as defective or faulty.

20. Marking

General Services Administration Acquisition Manual (GSAM) Clause 552.211-73, Marking, incorporates general requirements that address delivery to civilian and military activities.

General requirements—Interior packages, if any, and exterior shipping containers shall be marked as specified elsewhere in the contract. Additional marking requirements may be specified on delivery orders issued under the contract. If not otherwise specified, interior packages and exterior shipping containers shall be marked in accordance with the following standards:

  • Deliveries to civilian activities. Supplies shall be marked in accordance with Federal Standard 123, edition in effect on the date of issuance of the solicitation.
  • Deliveries to military activities. Supplies shall be marked in accordance with Military Standard 129, edition in effect on the date of issuance of the solicitation.
  • Improperly marked material. When government inspection and acceptance are at destination, and delivered supplies are not marked in accordance with contract requirements, the government has the right, without prior notice to the contractor, to perform the required marking, by contract or otherwise, and charge the contractor, therefore, at the rate specified elsewhere in this contract. This right is not exclusive, and is in addition to other rights or remedies provided for in this contract.

21. For Further Assistance

General Services Administration
Customer/Vendor Relations

Greater Southwest Acquisition Center
(817) 574-2660

Center for IT Schedule Programs
(703) 605-2700

Integrated Workplace Acquisition Center (formerly National Furniture Center)
(703) 605-9300

Office of Motor Vehicle Management
(703) 605-CARS

National Administrative Services and Office Supplies Acquisition Center
(212) 264-0868

Management Services Center
(800) 241-7246

Center for Services Acquisition
(703) 605-2774

Center for Facilities Maintenance and Hardware
(816) 926-6760

Travel and Transportation Services
(703) 605-5616

GSA Advantage!®/e-Buy
(877) 472-3777

22. Customer Service Directors

Customer Service Directors are available, worldwide, to provide a variety of assistance to Schedule customers.

23. Trade-ins

Trade-ins (exchanges) will be considered against the purchase of new equipment and will be used in determining the "best value" purchase at the lowest overall cost; i.e., the price of the item plus administrative costs. If equipment was traded in as part of the purchase arrangement, the file should show the type, brand and value of the equipment exchanged. Trade-ins should comply with provisions of the Federal Management Regulation (FMR) Part 102-39.

24. Trade Agreements Act Information

The Trade Agreements Act (19 U.S.C. 2501, et seq.) is the enabling statute that implements numerous multilateral and bilateral international trade agreements and other trade initiatives. Since the estimated dollar value of each Schedule exceeds the established Trade Agreements Act (TAA) threshold, the TAA is applicable to all Schedules. In accordance with the TAA, only U.S.-made or designated country end products shall be offered and sold under Schedule contracts.

GSA works with Schedule contractors to ensure compliance with the Trade Agreements Act. For questions regarding the TAA, contact the MAS Helpdesk (National Customer Service Center) on (800) 488-3111.

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