Partners for Fish & Wildlife Logo 20th Anniversary -- Partners for Fish & Wildlife

"We need to recognize the landowner as the custodian of public game on all private land... compensate him... with either cash, service, or protection, for the use of his land and for his labor... on the condition that he...safeguards the public interest."

Aldo Leopold

Photo: Bald eagle, USFWS

What is Partners for Fish & Wildlife?

The Partners for Fish & Wildlife program restores, improves, and protects fish and wildlife habitat on private lands through alliances between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, other organizations, and individuals, while leaving the land in private ownership.

Who are the Partners?

Anyone can be a partner: farmers, ranchers, city dwellers, local agencies, private organizations, corporations, government agencies, educational institutions anyone interested in the conservation of wildlife habitat on private lands.

Why is Partners for Fish & Wildlife Important to You?

The future of the nations fish and wildlife depends on the private landowner.

Over two-thirds of our nations land is privately owned and contains some of the most important fish and wildlife habitat in the United States. The Partners for Fish & Wildlife program can restore and protect fish and wildlife habitat and contribute to the health of the land and the quality of life of the people living on it.

Three-quarters of the wetlands remaining in the United States are privately owned. Wetlands are vital to both wildlife and people. Millions of birds, mammals, and other animals depend on wetlands for food, spawning, and nursery

areas. Nearly one-third of Americas endangered and threatened plants and animals need wetlands for survival.

Wetlands also benefit people by providing natural flood water storage, recreational opportunities, recharging ground water supplies, filtering pollutants, and providing irrigation water.

The key is partnerships! Working together, teaming up to meet local needs, address issues, and take advantage of local opportunities.

What can Partners for Fish & Wildlife Do for You?

Technical Assistance

If you need help solving a land management problem, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service can provide assistance, or help facilitate assistance through other agencies, on a variety of issues including:

  • Wetland restoration and protection
  • Nest structures or nesting islands
  • Food and shelter for fish and wildlife
  • Soil and water quality improvement
  • Pesticide use reduction
  • Native plant restoration
  • Moist-soil management

If your property contains damaged habitat that can be restored for wildlife; or, if you want to manage a portion of you property for wildlife, but don't know where to begin, we may be

able to work with you to develop and implement a plan that meets your needs. On the ground, we can provide certain structures, help move dirt, establish bottomland hardwood trees and other vegetation, and much more.

Technical assistance is also available to landowners through U.S. Department of Agriculture programs and various programs available through the State fish and wildlife agencies and certain conservation organizations. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will assist you in recognizing opportunities within these programs.

How Do I Become a Partner?

Individual landowners can become involved by contacting the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. A biologist will contact you to discuss your needs, the opportunities available, and assist you as possible. If your project meets certain criteria, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service may share or pay certain costs.

If we can't help you, we will try to find someone who can.

Who Do You Contact to Participate?

Contact any U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service office in your State or the Regional Office Coordinator for the Southeast Region.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Partners for Fish & Wildlife Program
1875 Century Boulevard
Atlanta, Georgia 30345
(404) 679-7138

Do we have a deal? Give us a call.

|What is it?| |How can I help?| |Definitions| |Criteria| |Highlights| |Bottomland Forest| |Longleaf Pine Ecosystem| |Projects| |Privacy Statement|

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