Photography Use Guidelines and Proper Crediting

Karen Holzer prepares to photograph Boulder Glacier, Sept. 1998.
Images from USGS Repeat Photography Site
The photographs served by the USGS on this website are not held under copyright. They are intended for easy and wide distribution for personal and/or educational use as long as they are properly credited. Proper credit for any of the photographs should include the photographer and the source. The individual photos are embedded with the year and proper credit information. Questions regarding proper use or consent should be addressed to

For more information visit the USGS Policy.

NOTE: Please complete the brief Repeat Photo Usage Form if you download photos from this site.

Images from the University of Montana:
High resolution versions of images from the K. Ross Toole Archives at the University of Montana Mansfield Library can be obtained through their website:

  • Click on "Search Images"
  • Cut and paste the image number in "Match Exact Phrase" box
  • Click on image to display image metatdata
  • Follow instructions under "Reproduction" to purchase a high resolution image