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ETA News Release: [09/24/2004]
Contact Name: Lorette Post
Phone Number: (202) 693-3984

U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao Launches $9 Million Test of Personal Reemployment Accounts in up to Nine States

MINNEAPOLIS—U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao today announced a $9 million demonstration project for states interested in Personal Reemployment Accounts (PRAs) that will help unemployed workers find new jobs.

“Personal Reemployment Accounts will empower unemployed and dislocated workers with more control over selecting their own training and career paths,” said U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao. “It’s part of the President’s commitment to building an ownership society. That’s simply another way of saying that we trust individual workers to know what training courses to choose and to decide what job options they prefer.”

Personal Reemployment Accounts are personally managed funds that eligible unemployed workers use to purchase job training and supportive services and products from either the marketplace or public One-Stop Career Centers.

States that take part will be able to offer individual accounts of up to $3,000 to unemployed workers most likely to exhaust their Unemployment Insurance benefits before finding employment. Personal Reemployment Accounts are additional benefits and will not affect UI benefits.

Under the demonstration announced today, states wanting to make use of Personal Reemployment Accounts must send a letter of commitment to qualify for the pilot program. Up to nine states will be selected to participate.

States participating also will offer a reemployment bonus feature. Workers who find employment within 13 weeks of receiving a Personal Reemployment Account will receive a bonus payment of 60 percent at the time of employment and 40 percent after staying employed for six months.

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