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2002 In Focus Archive

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"In Focus" items are up-to-the-minute news about the Secretary of Labor's efforts to strengthen the workforce and the business community.

Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao

December 19, 2002
Volunteering Report Released

Fifty-nine million Americans performed volunteer work from September 2001 through September 2002, according to the first survey on volunteerism from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) since 1989.

Dave Lauriski (far right) studies a diesel emissions analyzer held by Frank Subic, a safety committee co-chairman with United Steelworkers of America.  At left is David Graham, occupational safety and health manager of General Chemical Partners.

December 9, 2002
Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health Dave Lauriski Inspects Wyoming Mines

Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health Dave Lauriski visited the General Chemical Trona mine near Green River, Wyoming, as well as two other Wyoming mines, to inspect safety procedures and to discuss the Mine Safety and Health Administration’s goals to increase safety at mines throughout the United States.

Secretary Chao addressing the National Association of Hispanic Federal Employees

December 2, 2002
Secretary Addresses National Association of Hispanic Federal Employees

Secretary Chao addressed the National Association of Hispanic Federal Employees (NAHFE) on November 20 in Washington, D.C.

No Event

November 23, 2002
West Coast Port Settlement Reached

Secretary Chao announced the settlement of the West Coast Ports dispute on November 23 by saying: “We are delighted the parties reached this historic agreement during the cooling off period established by President Bush. I commend the Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, Peter Hurtgen, and both parties for achieving this resolution which is vital to our national economy.”

Secretary Chao speaks at Texas A&M University

November 18, 2002
Bush Presidential Library Tour

Secretary Chao spoke about the 21st Century Workforce on Friday during a visit to the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation at Texas A&M University. Secretary Chao discussed issues with students, met with the former President and First Lady and toured the Presidential Library.

Secretary Chao and Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge stand behind an Army honor guard soldier holding rifle in salute postion

November 14, 2002
DOL Salute to Veterans

Secretary Chao welcomed Governor Tom Ridge, Director of the Office of Homeland Security, as keynote speaker for DOL's "Salute to Veterans 2002" at the Department of Labor's Frances Perkins Building on November 13. The event concluded with an awards ceremony honoring nine organizations and individuals for outstanding efforts in providing employment and training services to veterans.

Secretary Chao speaking at a conference on productivity
Alan Greenspan speaking at a conference on productivity

October 28, 2002
DOL Hosts Productivity Conference

The Department of Labor and the American Enterprise Institute jointly sponsored a conference on productivity in the 21st century Wednesday, October 23, in Washington, D.C. Secretary Chao and Federal Reserve Board of Governors Chairman Alan Greenspan spoke.

No Event

October 17, 2002
DOL Honors Organizations for Creating Opportunities in the Workplace

For their efforts to foster workplace diversity, 11 companies and organizations were honored on October 17 at an annual awards ceremony hosted by the Department of Labor's Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP). Qualcomm Inc. received the Secretary of Labor’s Opportunity award, OFCCP’s top honor.

Secretary Chao announces launch of

October 15, 2002
DOL Unveils

Secretary Chao unveiled, a new Web site for people with disabilities, designed to provide individuals with one-stop access to government disability information and resources as well as updates on the President's New Freedom Initiative.

John J. Sweeney, Secretary Chao, and Steven Law at Labor Hall of Fame Induction

October 11, 2002
Labor Hall of Fame Induction

Secretary Chao hosted the 14th Annual Induction Ceremony for the Labor Hall of Fame. Inductees included the founder of the United Parcel Service James Casey and former AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland.

Secretary Chao announcing the convening of a board of inquiry on October 7 at the Department of Labor
Secretary Chao and President Bush

October 7-8, 2002
West Coast Ports Work Stoppage Board of Inquiry

Faced with a growing threat to the American economy, President Bush used his statutory authority under the Taft-Hartley Act to convene a Board of Inquiry to examine the work stoppage at the West Coast ports.

Secretary Chao swears in W. Roy Grizzard as Assistant Secretary for ODEP,

September 27, 2002
New ODEP Assistant Secretary Sworn In

The first Assistant Secretary for the new Office of Disability Employment Policy, W. Roy Grizzard, was sworn in by Secretary Chao.

Secretary Chao at a press conference

September 26, 2002
Secretary Chao Releases Report on Association Health Plans

Association Health Plans (AHPs) can help small businesses lower their administrative costs and receive more favorable treatment form insurers. Other advantages to the use of AHPs are available in this report.

Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao attends Justin Dart Memorial Service alongside Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and President Bill Clinton.

July 26, 2002
Secretary Chao attends Justin Dart Memorial Service alongside Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and President Bill Clinton.

No Event

June 26, 2002
National Youth Summit

The National Youth Summit, held June 26-28, 2002, brought together nearly 2,000 participants, including leading policymakers and practitioners, to explore how to further the field of positive youth development.

No Event

February 1, 2002
Members of President's Council on the 21st Century Workforce Announcement


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