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FOIA Request Form

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Please use this form for requests for information not currently contained on our site.

* Denotes a required field
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Fee Category:


In the box below be sure to include a clear description of the records you seek. Please include the facility name and address (if known) as well as any additional information that would help us in our search for responsive documents, such as: former facility names, site ID #’s or the program(s) from which you desire to request records.

Fee Information:

Include the amount you are willing to reimburse the agency for, for fees incurred which exceed $25.00

$ *

You will be informed if the estimated costs will exceed this limit.

If your browser is not forms-capable, please send a mail message to r1foia@epa.gov.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & Tribal Nations

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