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National Enforcement Trends

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The National Enforcement Trends (NETs) report is a set of tables and graphs that describe EPA's national enforcement and compliance results and trends. Organization of the data is by key areas and represents data for the current and previous fiscal years. In some cases, such as newer performance measures, only one to two years of data are available, but if data are available, the trend data covers many years.

These data are national totals of federal activity. The compliance and enforcement data are presented employing a variety of different graphical approaches. Following each NETs table and graph is a metadata page that provides background and explanation on how the data in that chart are counted, highlighting specific changes to counting methodology, definitions, or circumstances which affect the trends shown in the chart.

Each year, OECA reviews the materials made available through NETs to explore what additional data might be valuable to the NETs user. Following this review, for FY 2006 NETs OECA has added two new sections: "EPA National Priorities Enforcement" and "EPA Top Enforcement Cases." These new sections provide information on EPA's enforcement activities in OECA's selected National Priority areas, and on EPA's top enforcement cases in several categories.

NETs replaces an earlier EPA enforcement and compliance results and trends document, the "Measures of Success" or "MOS" Report.

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