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Increasing energy efficiency

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Aerial photo of the windmill at Hull, Massachusetts.Energy use is the number one source of air pollution in New England.   New England also has some of the highest energy costs in the nation. 

As our demands for energy continue to rise - to heat and power our buildings and factories, and to power our vehicles - we’re pressed as an Agency and as individuals to become smarter and more efficient about how we use energy.

EPA New England is a leader in promoting a smart approach to energy usage. Our Energy Team is working with community, state and business partners to:

Walking the Talk

While our Energy Team carries our message externally, our Green Team is ensuring we do what we're asking of others. We're conserving energy and increasing energy efficiency in our own operations.

In our Boston Office Photo of EPA New England, Boston office.

We're working with the building owner to implement additional energy efficiency measures that will provide a comfortable working environment while helping reduce our power consumption.

In our Chelmsford, Massachusetts laboratory
Photo of EPA's New England Regional Laboratory in Chelmsford, Mass.Our building is a national model for green building design -- it's at least 30% more energy efficient than the typical laboratory. The facility is equipped with occupancy sensors, skylights that magnify and redirect daylight into the building and have drastically reduced the need for hallway lighting, modular gas-fired boilers, photovoltaic sun shades that supply 2000 watt hours of power back to the building daily, and dozens of other “green” features. The building is also powered with wind generated electricity. And, the lab continues to make improvements to its energy performance, reducing energy use by an additional 17% over the past year alone.

EPA New England Regional Laboratory (NERL)
Take a virtual tour and learn more about its green features.

EPA New England Green Team
Learn more about our many other projects with significant energy savings.

What You Can Do
Take the Energy Star Change a Light pledge!

EPA New England is reducing its energy use … and so can you!  It can be as easy as changing a light bulb.

Learn more about energy usage in New England, the impacts of our choices, energy efficiency, renewable energy and lots more.

Energy & New England's Environment

New England: Cleaner Environment through Energy Efficiency & Clean Energy (PDF) (8 pp., 761 KB, about PDF)
New England neighbors making energy efficiency and clean energy a part of their lives.

Photo of solar panels on a Shaw's Supermarket in Burlington, Mass.
Solar panels at a supermarket
Photo of enegy saving traffic lights in Manchester, NH.
Energy-saving traffic lights
Photo of a biodiesel-powered garbage truck in Keene, NH.
Biodiesel-powered municipal vehicles

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & Tribal Nations

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