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Home Page Archive: July to September 2002

September 30, 2002 -- Agriculture Under Secretary for Rural Development Thomas C. Dorr announced the selection of nearly 100 projects totaling $5.8 million in competitive grant funds for rural economic and community development in 39 states.
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 List of Recipients

September 27, 2002 -- Minority-Owned Businesses Critical to Rural America. President George W. Bush proclaimed September 22-28, 2002 as National Minority Enterprise Development Week to recognize the significant contributions minority-owned enterprises make everyday to our economy and encourage the expansion of opportunity for minority-owned enterprises.
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 September 25, 2002 -- Rural Development Under Secretary Thomas Dorr met with Rural Development State Directors from the northwestern states to discuss issues important to rural residents and communities.

Pictured (L to R):  Back Row. Brent Kisling, Oklahoma State Director; Tim Ryan, Montana State Director; Jackie J. Gleason, Washington State Director; Michael A. Field, Idaho State Director; Clare A. Carlson, North Dakota State Director.  Front Row. Lynn D. Jensen, South Dakota State Director; Mr. Dorr; Bill Allen, Alaska State Director; Lynn Schoessler, Oregon State Director; John Cochran, Wyoming State Director.

September 22-28, 2002:  National Minority Enterprise Development Week

September 23, 2002 -- Rural Development Honors Hispanic Heritage Month. President Bush proclaimed September 15-October 15, 2002, as National Hispanic Heritage Month to commemorate the rich culture that the Hispanic population provides to America. This year's theme, "Hispanic Americans: Strength in Unity, Faith, and Diversity" celebrates our great nation's ethnic diversity.
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September 23, 2002 -- The Department of Agriculture began the first Department-wide site visit and consultation with the Navajo Nation. Customer service to the Navajo Nation, Farm Bill implementation, homeland security, new technology, rural development, education and training and marketing issues topped the agenda.
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September 17, 2002 -- Agriculture Secretary Veneman announced that 32 states will receive more than $6.8 million in rural business loan and grant funds designed to foster economic development in rural areas.
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 List of Recipients

September 15-October 15, 2002:  Hispanic Heritage Month

September 13, 2002 -- Under Secretary for Rural Development Thomas C. Dorr announced the selection of James E. Selmon, III as Associate Administrator for the Housing Programs.
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September 13, 2002 -- Agriculture Secretary Veneman announced the approval of over $5 million in Department of Agriculture funds to assist with local business and community development in rural Oregon, as part of an ongoing effort by the Bush Administration to stimulate new business and job creation in rural America.
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Animated U.S. Flag waving in the breezeRemembering 9/11
On this first observance of Patriot Day, Rural Development joins the nation in remembering and honoring the extraordinary sacrifices of Americans made one year ago.
 President Bush's Patriot Day Proclamation

Under Secretary Dorr with State DirectorsSeptember 9, 2002 -- Rural Development Under Secretary Thomas Dorr met with Rural Development State Directors from the southwestern states to strategize and plan for the delivery of program funds and technical assistance to rural residents and communities.

Pictured (L to R):  Mr. Dorr (seated); Bob Ross, Under Secretary's office; Taylor Oldroyd, Legislative and Public Affairs Staff; Larry Smith, Nevada State Director; Jeff Condrey, New Mexico State Director; Eddie Browning, Arizona State Director; Deputy Under Secretary Mike Neruda; John Cox, Utah State Director; Gigi Dennis, Colorado State Director; Paul Venosdel, California State Director; Lorraine Shin, Hawaii State Director; Bryan Daniel, Texas State Director; Chuck Banks, Kansas State Director; Deputy Under Secretary Gilbert Gonzalez.

September 6, 2002 -- Agriculture Under Secretary for Rural Development Thomas C. Dorr announced the signing of an agreement between the Department of Agriculture and the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) in support of President Bush's efforts of increasing economic opportunity in rural America by improving access to capital for businesses and homeownership.
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September 3, 2002 -- Agriculture Secretary Veneman announced the selection of 29 economic development projects in 24 states to receive over $3.1 million, as part of the Bush Administration’s ongoing commitment to invest and bolster programs for rural America
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August 26, 2002 -- Agriculture Secretary Veneman announced $5 million in economic development to strengthen rural communities in 19 states, as part of the Bush Administration’s ongoing commitment to invest and bolster programs for rural America. The funding will assist cooperatives in facilitating the retention of rural jobs through the development of cooperatives in rural areas.
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Under Secretary Dorr holds the presentation check surrounded by Federal and local officialsAugust 21, 2002 -- Rural Development Under Secretary Thomas Dorr announces funding for Mississippi water projects as part of a nationwide series of events celebrating an overall investment of $703 million for rural communities throughout the U.S. Under Secretary Dorr is at the check presentation for the Harmony Water Association in Harmony, Mississippi, which received more than $2 million in Rural Development loan and grant funds.
 Photos of Rural Development's Farm Bill 2002 Water Projects Roll Out
 More Information

Pictured:  Bettye Oliver (front row, left), the Utilities Programs Program Director in the Rural Development Mississippi State Office, stands next to Under Secretary Dorr (second from left). Congressman Chip Pickering is sixth from left. Mississippi State Director Nick Walters is in the second row, second from left. Jo Ann Clark of Senator Thad Cochran's office is at the far right. Also pictured are Harmony Water Association officials.

August 20, 2002 -- Secretary Veneman announced $703 million in economic development projects to strengthen rural communities throughout the United States, as part of the Bush Administration’s ongoing commitment to invest and bolster programs for rural America. The 377 projects being announced in 47 states and Puerto Rico will build and upgrade water and waste disposal facilities and provide clean drinking water to improve the quality of life for thousands of residents and businesses in rural communities.Link to U.S. map showing state-by-state locations of water projects funded marked with triangles. Text-based lists of all water projects are also available
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 List of Projects:  HTML (486 Kb) / PDF (36 Kb)
 Map With Locations of Water Projects

August 16, 2002 -- The Department of Agriculture appointed Jeff Condrey as the New Mexico State Director for USDA Rural Development.
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August 14, 2002 -- Agriculture Secretary Veneman visited Illinois where she participated in a town hall forum and announced $100 million in grants and loans to improve water and energy facilities, invest in business development and purchase fire equipment.
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August 13, 2002 -- Agriculture Secretary Veneman announced the release of $25.1 million in rural development grants and loans to assist rural communities in Iowa. Veneman joined President Bush at the Iowa State Fair.
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Secretary Veneman swears in Under Secretary Dorr as Mrs. Dorr looks on and holds the BibleAugust 6, 2002 -- Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman swears in Under Secretary for Rural Development Tom Dorr in her office at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, DC. Looking on is Mr. Dorr's wife Ann.

 Secretary Veneman's Statement Regarding Mr. Dorr's Appointment

August 6, 2002 -- Agriculture Secretary Veneman announced the selection of over 150 projects in economically distressed communities in 26 states and U.S. Territories to receive $16.5 million in Community Facilities Economic Impact Initiative Grants. The grants will assist in the development of important community services and facilities in areas of high unemployment and economic depression.
 Full Story
 List of Grantees

Noank check presentationAugust 6, 2002 -- Secretary of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman toured Connecticut on Monday and announced that Rural Development is funding projects including:  the Noank Aquaculture Cooperative, which is receiving $63,000 for repairs and modernization, and Plymouth, Conn., which is receiving more than $4.7 million in Rural Development funds for a water tank, pumping station and water main.
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Plymouth check presentation

Pictured, top right (L to R):  A local FFA member, Congressman Rob Simmons, Secretary Veneman, co-op member Jim Markow, Rural Development State Director David Tuttle, and Bruce Gresczyk, the Connecticut Deputy Commissioner of Agriculture, at the check presentation for the Noank Aquaculture Cooperative. Above left (L to R):  Rural Development State Director David Tuttle, Secretary Veneman, Mayor of Plymouth David Mischke, and Congresswoman Nancy Johnson at the check presentation for Plymouth.

August 5, 2002 -- Agriculture Secretary Veneman toured Connecticut farming operations, conducted constituent forums and announced $6 million in environmental and rural development projects.
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Link to July-August issue. The cover shows bottles of Welch’s fruit punch whirling past an inspector in a
bottling plant in North East, Pa. Photos courtesy of Welch’s.Rural Cooperatives
Jul./Aug. 2002
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Mr. Gonzalez at the dais with RBS Administrator Rosso and Jim Haskell of RBSJuly 31, 2002 -- Deputy Under Secretary Gilbert Gonzalez makes notes while public comments are being given on implementation of the Agricultural Innovation Center Demonstration Program. The demonstration program was created with the passage of the 2002 Farm Bill.
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Pictured (L to R):  John Rosso, Administrator, Business Programs (Business Programs); Mr. Gonzalez; Jim Haskell, Business Programs.

July 16, 2002 -- The Department of Agriculture announced that the USDA Midwest TARGET Center in St. Louis, Mo., will hold an open house on July 22, 2002, to showcase its array of assistive technology and ergonomic solutions for the workplace.
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July 11, 2002 -- The Department of Agriculture announced its Business Programs will hold a public meeting for interested persons to express their views on implementing the new Agricultural Innovation Center Demonstration Program.
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July 5, 2002 -- Agriculture Secretary Veneman announced that USDA is accepting applications for the newly created National Board on Rural America. Board responsibilities include developing a national strategic investment plan for rural America and overseeing the delivery of planning and innovation grants to regional boards.
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Mr. Neruda at the podium with Sherie Hinton HenryJuly 19, 2002 -- Following a meeting with Rural Development employee groups, Deputy Under Secretary Mike Neruda (right) addresses Civil Rights Coordinators, where he stressed the importance of fighting against all forms of discrimination in the delivery of Rural Development programs and services.

NASP and NASC members with Mr. Neruda and other headquarters staff

Pictured, above left:  Taylor Oldroyd, Director, Legislative and Public Affairs Staff; Mr. Neruda; Sandra Grimsley, President, National Association of Support Personnel; Tom Hannah, Rural Development Chief Information Officer; Alan Harris, President, National Association of Credit Specialists. Above right:  Mr. Neruda prepares to make a civil rights address. Rural Development's Deputy Administrator for Management, Sherie Hinton Henry, is to his right.

Mr. Neruda at the podium speaking to rural NACO membersJuly 14, 2002 -- Deputy Under Secretary Mike Neruda addressed the National Association of Counties (NACO) Rural Action Caucus general membership at their recent meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. Mr. Neruda discussed rural development issues.

Secretary Veneman surrounded by USDA Guardsmen and ReservistsJuly 3, 2002 -- In recognition of Independence Day, Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman met with USDA Reservists and Guardsmen to commend them for their service to our country. Deputy Under Secretary Mike Neruda (second from left) -- a Captain in the Navy Reserve -- joined Secretary Veneman at the event.
 President Bush's Independence Day Proclamation

Pictured:  SSGT Brian LaFlamme, U.S. Air Force Reserve - Housing Programs Program Support Staff, CAPT Mike Neruda, U.S. Navy Reserve - Deputy Under Secretary, SSG Junius Scott, U.S. Army Reserve - Rural Development Human Resources, Secretary Veneman, CSM Leroy Jones, U.S. Army Reserve - Rural Development Financial Management Division, LTC Enrique (Rick) Perez, U.S. Air Force Reserve - Rural Development Information Technology.

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