USDA Forest Service

Sierra National Forest


Sierra National Forest
1600 Tollhouse Road
Clovis, CA 93611-0532

Hearing Impaired:
TTY: (559) 322-0425
California Relay Service 711

[Logo]: U.S. Forest Service Logo

Projects & Plans - Recreation Residences

[Photo]: Recreation residence on Sierra National Forest.


The Forest Service Recreation Residence program gives private citizens the opportunity to own a single-family cabin in designated areas on the National Forests. They are commonly called "summer homes" or "recreation residences". These privately owned cabins (improvements) are located within formally established "tracts" on "lots" designated for that purpose and are authorized and administered under the terms and conditions of a special use authorization (SUA) called a permit. The individual owns the improvements but not the land. The permit requires the payment of an annual rental fee based upon fair market value of the land, not including improvements, as determined by an appraisal.

  • 15,570 recreation residences occupy National Forest System lands throughout the country
  • 6,314 are in the Pacific Southwest region (California)
  • 555 are on the Sierra National Forest
  • Recreation Residences Planning and Special Use Permit Issuance

According to Forest Service policy, the Sierra National Forest must conduct a Recreation Residence Consistency Review and Continuance Determination for 555 recreation residences in 20 tracts under special use permit on the Sierra National Forest. Current permits will expire on December 31, 2008.

The Sierra National Forest has completed a Consistency Review for the recreation residence tracts on the Forest. This review compared the Forest Goals and Objectives, Standards and Guidelines and direction in the Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP), as amended by the Sierra Nevada Forest Plan Amendment and Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. Through this review it was determined that all 20 recreation residence tracts on the Sierra National Forest are consistent with the above mentioned planning documents.

The next step in the process is the Continuation Determination that includes the environmental analysis and documentation. Scoping for public comments began January 24 and will be accepted through February 24, 2004.

For details regarding the forest management of recreation residences, the Forest Service Handbook is available on the Regional Forest Service website. The Region 5 Supplement 2709.11-2000-1 is a part of that handbooks, and may be accessed on that site.

The final step process in the process is cabin consistency with the terms and conditions of the Special Use Authorization (SUA) as stated in Forest Service Manual (FSM) 2721.23 (c); Forest Service Handbook (FSH) 2709.11, 41.23(3); and SUA Section III, Clause B, and Section VI, Clause A.

US Forest Service - Sierra National Forest
Last Modified: Wednesday, 13 August 2008 at 12:52:56 EDT

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.