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 (1) Attachment 1, a flow chart, and the Reference Table noted in
     Attachment 5, are not included here.  For copies of Attachment 1
     and Attachment 5 please contact:

     Simon Canady or Rosa Joyner
     Field Operations Division (7506C)
     Certification, Training and Occupational Safety Branch
     401 M Street S.W.
     Washington DC 20460

     Physical location and phone: Crystal Mall #2, Room 1121
                                  703-305-7666 or 703-305-7371
 (2) This document has been reformatted for posting on the internet and
     therefore is not identical to the printed version.  Text that must
     appear within a box is indicated by comments: [box begins here],
     [box ends here].

                              PR NOTICE 95-5

                            September 28, 1995



           PESTICIDES AFTER OCTOBER 23, 1995

     This notice provides guidance to people who sell or distribute 
pesticides on:  1) how to recognize pesticide products in their possession 
that do not comply with the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) requirements, 
2) how to bring all applicable product labels into compliance with WPS 
requirements, so that such products may be legally sold and distributed 
after October 23, 1995, 3) required actions by registrants, wholesalers, 
and retailers in relabeling products, and 4) the deadline of October 23, 
1996, by which all products within the scope of the WPS must bear final, 
printed WPS replacement labeling (not supplemental labeling as described in 
this notice).
                             TABLE OF CONTENTS

I.   Applicability of this Notice and Definitions           3

II.  How to recognize product labels that need to 
     be amended to comply with the WPS                      4

III. How to revise product labels to comply with the WPS    5
     A.    Required Action                                  5          
           1.   Registrant
           2.   Wholesaler
           3.   Retailer
     B.    Options for Relabeling                           8
           1.   Final printed replacement labeling
           2.   Supplemental product-specific labeling
                and STOP stickers
     C.    Where pesticide-specific relabeling may
           occur                                            12

IV.  How to revise product labels of Special Products
     to comply with the WPS                                 13
     A.    Orphan or cancelled products                     13
     B.    Buy-out or transferred products                  14
     C.    Deleted-uses products                            14
     D.    Dormant products                                 15

V.   Waiver of submission of amended and final printed      16
     labeling which complies with this notice

VI.  Deadline for relabeling and final sale/distribution    16

VII. For further information and assistance                 16


Attachment 1:   Flow Chart of Relabeling Process
Attachment 2:   Scope Criteria: Determining WPS Applicability to Individual 
                Products (excerpt from PR Notice 93-7) 
Attachment 3:   Example of Agricultural Use Requirement box
Attachment 4:   Single-Product, Product-Specific "SUPPLEMENTAL LABELING 
Attachment 5:   Multi-Product, Product-Specific "SUPPLEMENTAL LABELING WITH 
                WORKER PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS" (brochure)

I.   Applicability of this Notice and Definitions

A.   Applicability 

     This notice applies to pesticide products that are within the scope of 
the WPS, do not bear full WPS labeling, and are being sold or distributed 
by any person, other than the registrant of the pesticide.  Under this 
notice the registrant has the option to either relabel the product or 
authorize the person(s) holding the product for distribution or sale to 
relabel the pesticide.  Both the registrant and the person(s) holding such 
pesticides are responsible for relabeling these products in accordance with 
the WPS and this PR notice.  This notice does not apply to growers, custom 
applicators, or other persons holding product for their own use, unless 
they also distribute and sell pesticides or are registrants. 

     The WPS labeling regulations (40 CFR Part 156, subpart K) require that 
certain statements be placed on the labeling of all pesticide products 
within the scope of the WPS.  These statements reference the WPS and 
certain practices intended to reduce or eliminate human exposure to 
pesticides.  The WPS establishes a schedule for meeting these labeling 

     The schedule required that by April 21, 1994, all registrants of 
pesticides covered by the WPS amend product labeling in accordance with PR 
Notice 93-7 and 93-11.  Most products sold or distributed by registrants 
since April 21, 1994, should have labeling that complies with the WPS.  
However, wholesalers and retailers may have stocks of product that do not 
have WPS complying labeling.  These stocks may originate from sources such 

(1)  products shipped by registrants before the April 21, 1994 date;

(2)  products distributed or sold by registrants under the "released for 
     shipment" option allowed under PR Notice 93-11 (products could be sold 
     or distributed after April 21, 1994 without the WPS label if the 
     registrant agreed to either (a) recall and relabel or (b) relabel them 
     at wholesaler sites through an "authorized agent" of the registrant by 
     April, 1996); and 
(3)  "deleted use" products, for which the registrant has amended the 
     registration to delete certain uses thereby putting the product 
     outside the scope of the WPS (see Section IV.C).

     The WPS provides that any person other than a registrant (e.g., 
pesticide retailers or wholesalers) who has under their ownership, custody 
or control existing stock of product that is within the scope of the WPS 
but does not bear WPS labeling may NOT legally sell or distribute the 
product after October 23, 1995.  The primary purpose of this notice is to 
describe the process for relabeling to come into compliance the deadline.  
As described above, wholesalers and retailers may have stocks of product 
which do not have labeling which complies with the WPS.

B.   Definitions

     The following definitions apply for the purposes of this notice:

     Registrant:      Any person who has registered any pesticide pursuant 
                      to the provisions of the Federal Insecticide, 
                      Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).  A supplemental 
                      distributor is considered an agent of the registrant.

     Wholesaler:      Any person, other than a registrant, who distributes 
                      or sells pesticides to persons other than end-users.

     Retailer:        Any person, other than a registrant, who distributes 
                      or sells pesticides to end-users.

     Distribute or    To distribute, sell, offer for sale, display, hold
     sell             for distribution, hold for sale, hold for shipment,
                      ship, deliver for shipment, release for shipment, or 
                      receive and (having so received) deliver or offer to 
                      deliver.  These terms do not include the holding or 
                      application of registered pesticides or use dilutions 
                      thereof by any applicator who provides a service of 
                      controlling pests without delivering any unapplied 
                      pesticide to any person so served.

     Label            The written, printed, or graphic matter on, or 
                      attached to, the pesticide or device or any of its 
                      containers or wrappers.

     Labeling         All labels and all other written, printed, or graphic 
                      matter -- a) accompanying the pesticide or device; or 
                      b) to which reference is made on the label or in 
                      literature accompanying the pesticide or device.

II.  How to recognize product labels that need to be amended to comply with 
     the WPS

     If a product has labeling required under the WPS, the labeling will 
have an Agricultural Use Requirements box and can be sold or distributed 
after October 23, 1995 without further action.  The Agricultural Use 
Requirements box references the WPS and requires certain practices intended 
to reduce or eliminate worker and handler exposure from pesticides. The box 
includes restricted-entry intervals, personal protective equipment, and the 
notification requirement for pesticide-treated areas.  An example of an 
Agricultural Use Requirements box is in Attachment 3.

     If a product's labeling does not have an Agricultural Use Requirements 
box, you will need to determine whether it is within the scope of the WPS 
and, therefore, requires WPS labeling.  In some cases you may be able to 
quickly identify a product that requires WPS labeling because other 
containers of the same product, that have been produced more recently, bear 
the following: 

          Labeling with an Agricultural Use Requirements box that refers 
           to the WPS; or 

          Stickers referring to supplemental replacement labeling which 
           contains such an Agricultural Use Requirements box.

      Products accompanied only by generic supplemental labeling as 
outlined in PR Notice 93-11 are not considered labeled in compliance with 
the WPS provisions after October 23, 1995.  Products that do bear complying 
WPS labeling include those relabeled in accordance with Supplement D of PR 
Notice 93-11 (by using a sticker or similar modification to an existing 
label and full product-specific labeling referenced by the sticker). 

     To determine whether any product is within the scope of the WPS, refer 
to Attachment 2 (Determining WPS Applicability to Individual Products) or 
call the registrant of the product.  To get additional assistance, you may 
contact an industry-sponsored "WPS Task Force" at 1-800-713-2291, after 
October 15, 1995.  

III. How to revise product labels to comply with the WPS

A.   Required Actions

1.   Registrant

          Conduct or authorize relabeling.   Registrants are responsible 
           for ensuring that relabeling of non-complying products takes 
           place in accordance with the WPS and this PR Notice.  They may 
           choose to conduct relabeling by recalling the product and 
           relabeling with final printed replacement labeling at a 
           registered establishment or relabeling at the location of the 
           product; or authorize a wholesaler or retailer to relabel in 
           accordance with this PR notice.

           Refer to Sections III.B. and IV. which provide options and 
           required specifications for relabeling.

          Provide written authorization for relabeling to retailers and 
           wholesalers.  The registrant must provide a written 
           authorization to a wholesaler or retailer who agrees to relabel 
           non-complying product.  The authorization should outline the 
           specific roles of the retailer, wholesaler, and registrant in 
           relabeling.  Registrants are fully responsible for ensuring that 
           labeling modifications are carried out correctly by any person 
           or company they authorize.  Any limitations on who may be 
           authorized to carry out relabeling under this PR Notice must be 
           explicit in the authorization document.  The authorization 
           cannot change the responsibilities of any of the parts or terms 
           of this PR notice.  (Notice: Any relabeling of products with WPS 
           labels must be in cooperation with all involved parties, and 
           under the written authorization of the registrant.)

          Provide product-specific WPS labeling.  The registrant must 
           provide labeling, to those they authorize to conduct relabeling, 
           that complies with the WPS and this PR notice (including "STOP 
           stickers," if supplemental labeling is used -- see Section 
           III.B.2 and IV. for a description and specifications for "STOP 
           stickers") for all products within the scope of the WPS.  The 
           next sections describe options and established requirements for 
           labels, labeling, and "STOP stickers."

2.   Wholesaler 

     Wholesalers (any person, other than registrants, who distributes or 
sells pesticides to persons other than end-users) must take the following 

          Registrant authorization for relabeling at wholesaler 
           establishment.  The registrant may authorize a wholesaler, 
           retailer or other person(s) to perform relabeling.  Any 
           relabeling of products must be performed under the written 
           authorization of the registrant.  (See Section III.A.1 )  If the 
           registrant will not perform relabeling or authorize you or 
           another party to relabel, you should contact EPA's Registration 
           Division (703-305-6250) for instructions on how to proceed with 
           those products. 

           Refer to Sections III.B. and IV. which provide options and 
           required specifications for relabeling.

          Do not distribute products, except as permitted by this Notice.  
           Products within the scope of the WPS that do not bear WPS 
           labeling may not be legally distributed or sold after October 
           23, 1995.  However this PR notice allows the wholesaler to ship 
           non-complying product prior to relabeling, if (1) the wholesaler 
           has notified and obtained agreement of the receiving person(s) 
           to ensure that WPS relabeling will occur before the product is 
           'offered for sale' or distribution to the end user and (2) the 
           registrant will either conduct or has authorized relabeling.  
           For the purposes of this PR notice only, pesticides are 
           considered "offered for sale" whenever they are available in 
           areas accessible to customers, unless they are clearly 
           identified as products which may not be sold until relabeled.

          Industry-sponsored assistance.  To get assistance in relabeling 
           products to comply with the WPS, you may contact the 
           industry-sponsored "WPS Task Force" at 1-800-713-2291, after 
           October 15, 1995.  This service will help identify which 
           specific products are covered by the WPS and need WPS-complying 
           labeling and distribute STOP stickers and required WPS 
           supplemental labeling for registrants participating in the 
           service.  Other requests will be referred to other 

3.   Retailer 

     Retailers (any person, other than registrants, who distributes or 
sells pesticides to end-users) must take the following actions:

          Do not offer for sale after October 23, 1995, except as allowed 
           by this Notice.  Products may not be distributed or sold after 
           October 23, 1995 unless they comply with the WPS.  This PR 
           notice allows products to be relabeled under certain 
           specifications prior to being "offered for sale."  For the 
           purposes of this PR notice only, pesticides are considered 
           "offered for sale" whenever they are available in areas 
           accessible to customers, unless they are clearly identified as 
           products which may not be sold until relabeled.

          Registrant authorization for relabeling at retailer 
           establishment.  The registrant may authorize a wholesaler, 
           retailer or other person(s) to perform such relabeling.  Any 
           relabeling of products must be performed under the written 
           authorization of the registrant.  (See Section III.A.1 )  If the 
           registrant will not perform relabeling or authorize you or 
           another party to relabel, you should contact EPA's Registration 
           Division (703-305-6250) for instructions on how to proceed with 
           those products.  

           Refer to Sections III.B. and IV. which provide options and 
           required specifications for relabeling.

          Industry-sponsored assistance.  To get assistance in relabeling 
           products to comply with the WPS, you may contact the 
           industry-sponsored "WPS Task Force" at 1-800-713-2291, after 
           October 15, 1995.  This service will help identify which 
           specific products are covered by the WPS and need WPS-complying 
           labeling and distribute STOP stickers and required WPS 
           supplemental labeling for registrants participating in the 
           service.  Other requests will be referred to other 

B.   Options for Relabeling

     The options described below apply to the majority of products covered 
by this PR Notice, i.e., stocks of registered products subject to the WPS 
which do not have required WPS labeling.  Other products are described and 
addressed in Section IV. as "Special Products."

1.   Final printed WPS-complying replacement labeling

     Products may be relabeled by replacing existing labeling with final 
printed WPS-complying replacement labeling supplied by the registrant of 
the product.  Such labeling must be printed on or affixed to the product 
package.  If affixed, it must be difficult to remove without residue or 
damage to the underlying packaging or labeling it is replacing.  If final 
printed replacement labeling is used, it must meet the above standards as 
well as those required by the WPS. 

     Replacement labeling may also be designed to modify existing labeling 
by adding the required WPS labeling statements without replacing the entire 
existing labeling.  If this option is chosen, the replacement labeling must 
be designed and affixed in such a way so as to not alter or obscure the 
other portions of the label text that remain unchanged.  Under this option, 
an additional supplement containing WPS requirements can not be developed.  
Additionally, replacement labeling must be affixed in such a manner as to 
cover any existing labeling statements or requirements that are superseded 
by WPS requirements.

     If the product bears existing labeling on the outer packaging and the 
immediate container, the replacement labeling must be affixed to both.  
NOTE:  For inner water soluble packages, the outer package, but not the 
immediate container, will require replacement labeling.

2.   Supplemental product-specific labeling

     Alternatively, products may be relabeled by using supplemental 
product-specific labeling that is provided with each product when it is 
offered for sale to the end user, provided that a "STOP sticker" is affixed 
to the label and the sticker meets the requirements as specified below.  
The supplemental product-specific labeling must be supplied by the 
registrant of the product.

     Supplemental labeling can be presented in two formats:

          Single-Product Supplement that contains labeling information for 
           only the specific product the end-user is buying.  This labeling 
           must display the full text of current product labeling or 
           partial text that includes complete WPS-complying labeling (as 
           EPA-accepted or registrant-verified).  See attachment 4 for an 
           example; OR
          Multi-Product Supplement that contains labeling information for 
           all products for a specific registrant.  WPS information 
           required to appear on all product labels may appear in the 
           brochure only once, along with product-specific WPS information 
           presented for each product covered by the brochure.  The generic 
           (non product specific) information must be part of the brochure.  
           This option is NOT available for fumigant products because of 
           the specialized nature of the fumigant label.  See attachment 5 
           for an example of a brochure.

Supplemental Product-Specific Labeling Specifications

     Supplemental replacement labeling must meet the following 

          Title -- The supplemental labeling must prominently bear the 
           REQUIREMENTS" at the top of the first page or be in a pouch 
           prominently displaying the words "SUPPLEMENTAL LABELING WITH 
           WORKER PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS," attached to the container.

          Content --  Supplemental labeling can be presented in a 
           single-product supplement or a multi-product brochure.  
           Single-product supplements include labeling information for only 
           the product the end-user is buying.  These supplements will 
           contain either the full text of current product labeling or the 
           partial text that includes only the complete WPS product 
           labeling information, a contact phone number for the registrant, 
           and no other information unrelated to the products' labeling.  
           See attachment 4 for an example of a single-product supplement.

           Multi-product brochures must contain complete WPS product 
           labeling information for all products that are within scope of 
           the WPS for the registrant, a contact phone number for the 
           registrant, and no other information unrelated to the products' 
           labeling.  If a brochure includes multiple products with similar 
           names (e.g., Weed Killer 4EC, Weed Killer 10WP), the brochure 
           must contain an advisory statement located near such a grouping  
           reminding users to carefully match the WPS requirements in the 
           brochure with the particular product they are using.  See 
           attachment 5 for an example of a multi-product brochure.  This 
           option is NOT available for fumigant products.  

           Supplemental distributors must develop separate brochures using 
           their product names if these names differ from the registrant's 
           product names.  However, "buyout/transferred," "orphaned/ 
           cancelled," and "dormant" products for which WPS label language 
           has been approved by EPA (all described in Section IV) may be 
           included in the same brochure if the following conditions are 
           met.  "Buyout/transferred" products can be included only if both 
           registration numbers are listed in the reference table and the 
           brochure cover specifies previous registrants' names represented 
           on the "transferred" products' labels and that these products 
           have been transferred to the existing registrant, (e.g., this 
           brochure also contains products previously owned by companies B, 
           C, and D but now owned by company A...).  If "orphaned / 
           cancelled" products are included, then the reference table 
           should specify "cancelled: generic instructions" for each such 
           product and should indicate the specific generic requirements 
           for each particular pesticide's label (requirements will vary 
           with different labels -- see attachment 6).

           Optional information for both single-product supplements and 
           multi-product brochures includes: complete registrant 
           identification, including company logo; statements clearly 
           connecting the brochure with the "STOP stickered" product; 
           footnotes explaining chemical resistant categories for gloves, 
           respirators, etc.; statements to clarify information given in 
           the brochure; and statements concerning discarding, washing, or 
           maintenance of personal protective equipment, user safety 
           recommendations, Spanish language warnings, and Engineering 
           Control Statements. 

          Highlighting -- If the registrant has chosen to use a 
           multi-product brochure, instead of a single-product supplement, 
           EPA strongly encourages that the wholesaler or retailer 
           highlight or clearly identify in the brochure the specific 
           product(s) being sold or distributed to the end user.  This will 
           assist the end-user in quickly identifying the requirements for 
           the specific product before pesticide application.

          Location --  EPA strongly encourages physically attaching the 
           supplemental labeling to product containers to ensure end-users 
           receive the supplemental labeling.  (Note: It is a violation of 
           the WPS and this notice to sell or distribute products with 
           non-complying labels or "offer such products for sale", to the 
           end-user without providing the appropriate supplemental 
           labeling.)   If the labeling is not attached, it must be located 
           in close physical proximity (i.e., immediately adjacent or next 
           to) and accompany the product when the product is offered for 
           sale to the end-user.  When products are "offered for sale" to 
           the end user, the supplemental labeling must be placed in such a 
           way that it is clear which labeling corresponds to which 
           product.  Therefore, single-product supplemental labeling for 
           different products and multi-product brochures for different 
           registrants should not be mixed.  

          Format --  The supplemental replacement labeling may be 
           photocopied, provided all text is legible.  Illegible 
           photocopies and faxes are unacceptable.  The User Safety 
           Recommendations and Agricultural Use Requirements must each be 
           located in a clearly separate box with lines or other graphic 
           indicators to separate them from the surrounding text.  Location 
           and formatting of supplemental label information should be 
           consistent with PR Notices 93-7 and 93-11 to the extent 

"STOP Sticker" Specifications

     If supplemental product-specific labeling will be used (instead of 
final printed replacement labeling as defined in Section III.B.1) a "STOP 
sticker" must be applied only to those products that bear a label which has 
not been revised to comply with complete WPS requirements.  If multiple 
products are contained on pallets or in shipping containers, these 
containers must be opened and a "STOP sticker" must be affixed to each 
individual product container and outside container before the product is 
offered for sale to the end-user.  (The immediate containers of water 
soluble packages do not have to be stickered.)

     "Stickering" of products must be carried out according to the 
following specifications:

          Required Text -- "STOP!  Use this product only in accordance 
           with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR Part 170, and the 
           which must be provided when the product is offered for sale.  
           Otherwise, you are in violation of FIFRA.  For more copies of 
           the labeling, contact your dealer or call 1-800-713-2291.

          Product labels that must not receive stickers -- "STOP stickers" 
           must NOT be applied to product labels that already comply with 
           WPS requirements or that do not require a WPS label.  For 
           instance, deleted-use products discussed in Chapter IV of this 
           document must not receive a sticker or WPS labeling. 

          Timing -- The sticker must be affixed to the product container 
           prior to the time the product is offered for sale to the 

          Prominence -- The sticker must be legible and prominent on the 
           product package through use of contrasting colors or other 
           graphic devices and must be placed on the label of each product 

          Location -- It must be printed on or affixed to the product 
           container.  If affixed, it must be difficult to remove without 
           residue or damage to underlying packaging or labeling and it 
           must not be located on the bottom of the package or any other 
           place that will not readily be noticed by users.  If the product 
           bears labeling on both outer packaging and immediate container, 
           the sticker must be affixed to both.  However, inner water 
           soluble packages need not be modified under this approach.

          Obscuring Existing Language -- The sticker must not obscure any 
           information on the existing label.

          Highlighting Specific Products in Brochures.  EPA strongly 
           encourages that the retailer highlight or clearly identify in 
           the brochure the specific product(s) being sold or distributed 
           to the end user.  This will assist the end-user in quickly 
           identifying the requirements for the specific product before 
           pesticide application.

C.   Where relabeling may occur

     WPS-related relabeling under this PR Notice may occur at any site 
(such as wholesale or retail sites) without registration of the site as a 
pesticide-producing establishment.  Under this PR Notice, relabeling of 
stocks of products with non-complying labels may only be carried out by 
persons acting under the authority of the registrant as an "authorized 
agent" of the registrant. 

IV.  How to revise product labels of Special Products to comply with the 

A.   Orphaned or Cancelled Products

     These products are those whose registrants are no longer in business 
or have been cancelled pursuant to FIFRA Section 4 or 6.  Both have not 
been transferred to another registrant (for "transfers" of registrations or 
"buyouts" see IV.B.) 

     EPA will allow sale or distribution of a pesticide product which is an 
orphaned or cancelled product, after October 23, 1995, provided the product 
labeling is first modified to comply with the requirements below.  Labels 
of orphan or cancelled products may be modified by using a "STOP sticker" 
and generic supplemental labeling that is provided when the product is 
being offered for sale to the end-user and meets certain requirements as 
specified below.   WPS-related relabeling under this PR Notice, including 
generic supplemental labeling may occur at any site (except a registrant's 
site) by any retailer or wholesaler.

     The required generic supplemental labeling is attached to this notice 
(see Attachment 6).  The fumigant generic supplemental labeling must be 
furnished to purchasers of agricultural fumigants; the non-fumigant generic 
supplemental labeling must be furnished to purchasers of all other 
agricultural pesticides, except ethyl parathion products.  

NOTE: ETHYL PARATHION PRODUCTS:  Holders of stocks on products without 
WPS-complying labels may not use the option of generic supplemental 
labeling described below and should contact the registrant of such products 
or, if necessary, EPA for guidance.

Supplemental generic labeling specifications

          Title -- The supplemental labeling must prominently bear the 
           REQUIREMENTS" at the top of the first page or be in a pouch 
           prominently displaying the words "SUPPLEMENTAL LABELING WITH 

          Content -- As appropriate to the type of product, the generic 
           supplemental labeling must contain the complete text of the 
           labeling contained in Attachment 6 in this notice.

          Location -- EPA strongly encourages physical attachment of the 
           supplemental labeling to product containers to ensure end-users 
           receive the supplemental labeling.  (Note: It is a violation of 
           the WPS and this notice to sell or distribute products with 
           non-complying labels or offer such products for sale, to the 
           end-user without providing the appropriate supplemental 
           labeling.)  If the labeling is not attached, it must be located 
           in close physical proximity to (i.e., immediately adjacent or 
           next to) and accompany the product when the product is offered 
           for sale to the end-user.  See specifically Section II.B. 2 
           "Supplemental Product-Specific Labeling Specification" -- 
           "Content" and "Highlighting" for information about cancelled or 
           orphaned products listed in multi-product brochures.  

          Format -- The generic supplemental labeling should be similar to 
           that attached to this notice, with all text legible.

"STOP Sticker" Specifications for Generic Supplemental Labeling

     "Stickering" of orphaned or cancelled products is only allowed 
according to the specifications in Section III.B.2.

B.   Buy-out or transferred products

     These are stocks of products that have been transferred to another 
registrant who has responsibility for the product's registration.  The 
existing stocks have the original company's name and registration number.  

     The new registrant may choose one of the following options to deal 
with these products:

    Recall and relabel/repackage -- Recall the products and 
     repackage/relabel them at a registered establishment with final 
     printed replacement labeling, or 

    Product-specific relabeling -- Conduct or authorize relabeling of 
     products with either final printed product-specific, WPS-complying 
     replacement labeling or supplemental product-specific replacement 
     labeling and a "STOP sticker" that meets certain requirements.  
     Relabeling must occur in accordance with Section II.B.  See 
     specifically Section II.B. 2 "Supplemental Product-Specific Labeling 
     Specification" -- "Content" for information about including 
     "transferred" products in multi-product brochures.  Note:  Generic 
     Supplemental Labeling may NOT be used for these products.  

C.   Deleted-Use Products

     These are products for which the registrant has amended the 
registration to delete certain uses thereby making the product outside the 
scope of the WPS.  There may be existing stocks of such products that still 
have the previous label and are thus within the WPS scope.  

     The registrant should choose one of the following options to relabel 
these products:

    Recall and repackage/relabel -- Recall the products and 
     repackage/relabel them at a registered establishment with the current 
     labeling that has been amended to delete WPS uses.

    Product-specific relabeling -- Conduct or provide a written 
     authorization for relabeling of products with the current labeling 
     that has been amended to delete any WPS uses.  Products can be 
     relabeled by replacing existing labeling with the current final 
     printed replacement labeling or marking/blocking out all WPS uses and 
     references to WPS uses (e.g., use directions).  

     If final printed replacement labeling is used, the amended labeling 
     must completely block the previous label.  It must be securely affixed 
     to the product package and be difficult to remove without residue or 
     damage to the underlying packing or labeling.  If the option to 
     mark/block out all WPS references is chosen, all WPS uses and 
     references to WPS uses must be completely blocked and no other 
     portions of the label text that remain unchanged must be altered or 

     If the registrant is unwilling to recall, relabel, or authorize 
relabeling as described above, you should contact EPA's Registration 
Division (703-305-6250) for instructions on how to proceed with those 

D.   Dormant Products

     These are products where no quantity of the product has been produced 
and distributed after April 21, 1994 and for which registrants elected to 
defer labeling amendments.  If there are products left in the channels of 
trade, they must not be sold or distributed after October 23, 1995.  In 
this situation, the registrant has these options:

    Product-specific relabeling -- Amend the product registration to 
     include the WPS requirements and either (1) recall and 
     relabel/repackage or (2)  conduct or provide a written authorization 
     for relabeling of products at the product's location in accordance 
     with Section III. of this notice.

    Relabeling with non-WPS label -- Amend the product registration to 
     delete any WPS uses and either (1) recall and relabel/repackage or (2)  
     conduct or provide a written authorization for relabeling of products 
     at the product's location with the updated, non-WPS label (follow 
     Section IV.C); OR

    Generic labeling -- Voluntarily cancel the registration and follow all 
     requirements in Section IV. A., for orphaned or cancelled products, 
     which describes relabeling with supplemental generic replacement 

V.   Waiver of submission of amended and final printed labeling which 
     complies with this notice

     Normally, amendments to labels and labeling are accomplished either by 
submission of an application or a notification to EPA.  However, because 
the labeling of products subject to this notice has already been amended 
and because submission of the generic supplemental labeling and STOP 
stickers would serve no purpose, EPA waives the requirement for submission 
of any labeling or supplemental labeling which has been amended in 
accordance with this PR Notice [40 CFR 152.44(b)(1)].  Similarly, EPA 
waives the requirement for submission of final, printed labeling of generic 
supplemental labeling or STOP stickers which comply with this PR Notice.

VI.  Deadline for relabeling and final sale

     By October 23, 1996, all products being distributed or sold must bear 
final printed, WPS-complying, replacement labeling that conforms to 
III.B.1. of this PR Notice.  Supplemental product-specific replacement 
labeling will NOT be allowed after this date.  
     Retailers or wholesalers of orphan or cancelled products may still use 
generic supplemental replacement labeling and "STOP stickers" in accordance 
of IV. A. of this PR Notice after October 23, 1996.

VII. For further information and assistance 

     Information and assistance is available from an industry-sponsored 
"WPS Task Force" at 1-800-713-2291 after October 15, 1995.  Additionally, 
the EPA headquarters number for assistance is (703) 305-6250.


                                 Daniel M. Barolo, Director
                                 Office of Pesticide Programs

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