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ASEAN-U.S. Enhanced Partnership

US-ASEAN Biofuels and the Automotive Industry Seminar

ASEAN-U.S. Biofuels and the Automotive Industry Seminar:
October 24, 2007

Siam City Hotel, Bangkok

The United States Department of Commerce and the ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality (ACCSQ) have partnered to organize the ASEAN-U.S. Enhanced Partnership Automotive Biofuels Seminar.  This event, supported by the Thailand Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) The seminar addressed regulatory best practices and the development of biofuels markets in the ASEAN region. 

The presentations can be downloaded at the following;

For the summary of ASEAN-U.S. Enhanced Partnership Biofuels and the Automotive Industry Seminar, please click here.

ASEAN-U.S. Enhanced Partnership Global Technical Regulations Roundtable:
October 25, 2007

Siam City Hotel, Bangkok

Mr. Kenneth Feith From the United States Environmental Protection Agency led a roundtable discussion on the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations

The presentation can be downloaded at the following;

For the summary of ASEAN-U.S. Enhanced Partnership Global Technical Regulations Roundtable, please click here.