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The National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC)

National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) Exit EPA disclaimeris a toll-free telephone service that provides a variety of impartial information about pesticides to anyone in the contiguous United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

NPIC provides provides objective, science-based information on pesticides to the general public, medical, and veterinary professional communities in areas including:

The National Pesticide Information Center is open to questions from the public and professionals. It is staffed by highly qualified and trained pesticide specialists who have the toxicology and environmental chemistry training needed to provide knowledgeable answers to questions about pesticides. NPIC pesticide specialists provide information in a user-friendly manner and are adept at communicating scientific information to the lay public. Pesticide specialists can:

NPIC is a cooperative effort between Oregon State University (OSU) and EPA. It is located at OSU in Corvallis, Oregon.

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