Chapter 8: State Indicators

Financial Research and Development Inputs

Select Indicator:

Quartiles | Findings | Description

Federal R&D obligations per individual in S&E occupation: 2002–03

Federal R&D obligations per individual in S&E occupation: 2002–03

Federal R&D Obligations per Individual in S&E Occupation: 2002-03.


Federal R&D obligations per individual in S&E occupation: 2002-03*

1st Quartile
2nd Quartile
3rd Quartile
4th Quartile
Alabama Colorado Florida Arkansas
Alaska Georgia Idaho Delaware
Arizona Maine Illinois Indiana
California Missouri Iowa Kansas
Connecticut Nevada Louisiana Kentucky
District of Columbia New Hampshire Minnesota Michigan
Hawaii New Jersey Montana Nebraska
Maryland New York North Carolina Oklahoma
Massachusetts North Dakota Ohio South Carolina
Mississippi Pennsylvania Oregon South Dakota
New Mexico Tennessee Texas Wisconsin
Rhode Island Washington Utah Wyoming
Virginia West Virginia Vermont
*States in alphabetical order, not data order.

SOURCES: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Federal Funds for Research and Development; and U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates. See table 8-28.

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  • The federal government obligated $83.6 billion for R&D in 2002, nearly $17,000 for each person employed in an S&E occupation.

  • The state distribution of federal R&D obligations per person employed in an S&E occupation ranged from $4,537 to $81,729.

  • The state distribution for this indicator was highly skewed, with only 14 states above the national average.

  • High values occurred in the District of Columbia and adjoining states and in states where federal facilities or major defense contractors were located.

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This indicator demonstrates how federal research and development obligations are distributed geographically based on individuals with a bachelor’s or higher degree who work in science and engineering occupations. These positions include mathematical, computer, life, physical, and social scientists; engineers; and postsecondary teachers in any of these fields. Positions such as managers and elementary and secondary schoolteachers are excluded. A high value may indicate the existence of major federally funded R&D facilities or the presence of large defense or other federal contractors in the state.

Federal R&D dollars are counted where they are obligated but may be expended in many locations. Data on people in S&E occupations are sample based. For these reasons, estimates for sparsely populated states and the District of Columbia may be imprecise.

This indicator contains 2002 data in the numerator and 2003 data in the denominator, each representing the most recent data release. The 2003 numerator data are not scheduled for release before the time of printing, and the 2002 denominator data contain suppressed data.

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National Science Board.