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The FY2008 STEP proposed budget totals $12,416,491. It is organized into 8 program areas with 17 emphasis areas. FY2008 STEP funding levels are subject to change pending the completion of the FY2008 U.S. DOT appropriations legislation. Summary tables for the FY2007 and the FY2006 STEP Plans are also provided.

Each STEP emphasis area has a contact person who reviews stakeholder feedback submitted through the STEP website and receives feedback via other sources to develop and implement research priorities and projects within the expected STEP funding levels. Because STEP projects are at various stages of implementation (including some multi-year efforts), the STEP emphasis area contacts are the best resource for information regarding the status of research efforts within a specific emphasis area.

Priorities and projects are also developed by considering information in the existing databases of transportation planning and environment research. They are also coordinated with other research across the Federal Highway Administration, the Future Strategic Highway Research Program, the National Cooperative Highway Research Program and with other US DOT agencies to ensure that STEP priorities and projects are not duplicative of other research initiatives.

The FY2008 STEP includes a focus on and funding in support of the US DOT's Congestion Reduction Initiative.

The STEP continues to evolve over time with stakeholder input and feedback. To help our stakeholders continue to work with us in the future, the general timeline for implementing STEP each year will be as follows:

STEP Implementation Timeline

Winter Begin to implement current fiscal year, through appropriate procurement methods, agreements and partnerships.
(May shift depending on appropriations)
Spring Refine STEP Implementation Strategy/Goals/Emphasis Areas; publish Federal Register Notice and update website information to solicit feedback on next fiscal year STEP activities. Conduct outreach for next fiscal year by emphasis area, review research needs and identify gaps.
Spring/Summer Develop priorities for and fund critical research. Develop next draft fiscal year STEP Plan for comment.
Fall/Winter Post current fiscal year plan on STEP website.
(May shift depending on appropriations)

Repeat above process to identify future FY STEP Plan priorities.

To provide Suggestions or Comments for this web page contact Phil Roke at

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