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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 779  

The Fair Labor Standards Act As Applied to Retailers of Goods or Services




Subpart A  


29 CFR 779.10 - Interpretations made, continued, and superseded by this part.

  • Section Number: 779.10
  • Section Name: Interpretations made, continued, and superseded by this part.

    On and after publication of this part in the Federal Register, the 
interpretations contained therein shall be in effect and shall remain in 
effect until they are modified, rescinded, or withdrawn. This part 
supersedes and replaces the interpretations previously published in the 
Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations as part 779 of this 
chapter. Prior opinions, rulings and interpretations and prior 
enforcement policies which are not inconsistent with the interpretations 
in this part or with the Fair Labor Standards Act as amended by the Fair 
Labor Standards Amendments of 1961 are continued in effect; all other 
opinions, rulings, interpretations, and enforcement policies on the 
subjects discussed in the interpretations in this part are rescinded and 
withdrawn. The interpretations in this part provide statements of 
general principles applicable to the subjects discussed and 
illustrations of the application of these principles to situations that 
frequently arise. They do not and cannot refer specifically to every 
problem which may be met by retailers in the application of the Act. The 
omission to discuss a particular problem in this part or in 
interpretations supplementing it should not be taken to indicate the 
adoption of any position by the Secretary of Labor or the Administrator 
with respect to such problem or to constitute an administrative 
interpretation or practice or enforcement policy. Questions on matters 
not fully covered by this part may be addressed to the Administrator of 
the Wage and Hour Division, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC 
20210, or to any Regional or District Office of the Division.

                         Some Basic Definitions
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