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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 779  

The Fair Labor Standards Act As Applied to Retailers of Goods or Services




Subpart A  


29 CFR 779.17 - Wage and wage payments to tipped employees.

  • Section Number: 779.17
  • Section Name: Wage and wage payments to tipped employees.

    Section 3(m) of the Act provides that as used in the Act, ``wage'' 
paid to any employee:

    includes the reasonable cost, as determined by the Secretary of 
Labor, to the employer of furnishing such employee with board,
lodging, or other facilities, if such board, lodging or other facilities 
are customarily furnished by such employer to his employees: Provided, 
That the cost of board, lodging, or other facilities shall not be 
included as a part of the wage paid to any employee to the extent it is 
excluded therefrom under the terms of a bona fide collective-bargaining 
agreement applicable to the particular employee: Provided further, That 
the Secretary is authorized to determine the fair value of such board, 
lodging, or other facilities for defined classes of employees and in 
defined areas, based on average cost to the employer or to groups of 
employers similarly situated, or average value to groups of employees, 
or other appropriate measures of fair value. Such evaluations, where 
applicable and pertinent, shall be used in lieu of actual measure of 
cost in determining the wage paid to any employee. In determining the 
wage of a tipped employee, the amount paid such employee by his employer 
shall be deemed to be increased on account of tips by an amount 
determined by the employer, but not by an amount in excess of 50 per 
centum of the applicable minimum wage rate, except that in the case of 
an employee who (either himself or acting through his representative) 
shows to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the actual amount of 
tips received by him was less than the amount determined by the employer 
as the amount by which the wage paid him was deemed to be increased 
under this sentence, the amount paid such employee by his employer shall 
be deemed to have been increased by such lesser amount.

As explained in part 531 of this chapter, section 3(m) of the Act 
governs the payment of wages required by the Act, including payment in 
other than cash and in tips. Part 531 of this chapter contains the 
regulations under which the reasonable cost or fair value of such 
facilities furnished may be computed for inclusion as part of wages 
required by the Act. Section 3(m) provides a method for determining the 
wage of a ``tipped employee'' and this term as defined in section 3(t) 
of the Act ``means any employee engaged in an occupation in which he 
customarily and regularly receives more than $20 a month in tips''. 
Regulations under which wage credits are permitted on account of tips 
paid to ``tipped employees'' are also contained in part 531 of this 
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