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Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

U.S. Department of Justice Task Force for Faith-Based & Community Initiatives

New in March 2007: A range of technical assistance is available through BJA's Training and Technical Assistance Program. Assistance is available in a variety of areas, including crime prevention, information sharing, substance abuse, and mental health. For more information, contact Elaine Snyder, BJA Technical Assistance Coordinator, at elaine.snyder@usdoj.gov or visit BJA's Training and Technical Assistance web page.

On December 12, 2002, President George W. Bush signed Executive Order 13279 calling for equal treatment of faith-based and community groups that apply for federal funding. This order was aimed at providing faith-based and community groups with opportunities to receive federal funds without compromising their beliefs or autonomy.

As it pertains to grants, the Executive Order states that religious organizations will be treated on an equal basis with secular organizations in all grant determinations and administration. No person or organization eligible to apply under a federal grant program may be discriminated against on the basis of religion, religious name, or religious composition of its board, staff, or volunteers. Further, grant recipients will not be discriminated against because they are primarily religious, and they will not be required either to remove religious provisions in their chartering documents or to remove religious names, icons, or symbols from their buildings. In addition, the ultimate beneficiaries of programs administered by any grantee may not be subject to religious coercion or discriminated against on the basis of their religion.

Many programs within BJA offer faith-based and community organizations opportunities for funding through grants, subgrants, service contracts, or technical assistance services. These programs include:

Questions about this or any other BJA initiative or program can be sent to AskBJA@usdoj.gov.

Related Resources:
President's Executive Order on Community and Faith-Based Organizations

White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Faith-Based & Community Programs

U.S. Department of Labor Center for Faith-Based & Community Initiatives

Faith-Based and Community Organizations Involved in Criminal Justice

Guidance to Faith-Based and Community Organizations on Partnering with the Federal Government

Catalogue of Grant Opportunities for Community and Faith-Based Organizations

Public/Private Ventures

Rallying the Armies of Compassion (White House report)

Printable flier

Contact Information:

Maria Pressley
Bureau of Justice Assistance
810 Seventh Street NW.
Washington, DC 20531
(202) 353-8643
Fax: (202) 616-1660
E-mail: Maria.Pressley@usdoj.gov