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Web-distributed labeling

Labeling Resources

Current as of May 2008

As part of a series of initiatives to improve pesticide labeling, EPA is working with external stakeholders to design a new system for delivering product labeling to pesticide users. The new approach, which will largely replace the paper-based system, will rely on users to contact either the official pesticide labeling website or a toll-free telephone number from which they can obtain the detailed use instructions that previously were attached to the product container.

Advantages of “web-distributed” product labeling

This “web-distributed labeling system,” initially focusing on agricultural and industrial pesticides, will provide simplified container labels and rapid distribution of up-to-date product labeling. EPA expects that benefits from using this system will include faster access to new pesticide uses, quicker implementation of protective measures for public health and the environment, improved compliance with label directions, and lower costs for industry and EPA.

EPA's approach to improving product labeling

A web-based labeling distribution system is one part of the Agency’s step-wise approach to improve pesticide product labeling. This approach includes three major components:
  1. a system capable of receiving labeling submissions in electronic form from pesticide companies;
  2. internal agency procedures to ensure efficient, systematic, and consistent review of labeling content to improve clarity and enforceability; and
  3. a system for electronic dissemination of the most current approved version of product labeling to users (e.g., web-based labeling).

Next steps for web-based distribution of labeling

The Agency has established a “Web-Distributed Labeling Work Group” to explore the issues associated with distributing pesticide labeling via the internet. Members from the work group presented this topic to the Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee (PPDC) meeting in May 2008.

The EPA website will also provide information on the work group's activities and opportunities for public involvement. EPA is currently engaged in informal discussions with stakeholders, generally those that have approached the Agency.

In the future, EPA will also request formal comment on the initiative to distribute labeling electronically. This will be announced in a Federal Register notice.

A pilot for the web-based labeling distribution system will be developed in 2009.

Additional information

For more information on EPA's activities on web-based distribution of pesticide labels and labeling contact Bill Jordan (jordan.william@epa.gov).

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