Success Story: Spaans Cookie Company

Partner Information

Located in Galt, California
4500 S.F. facility
Annual Cash Savings: $2,322
Annual Energy Savings: 30,570 kWh
Prevented 37,907 pounds of pollution

Service and Product Provider

Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
6301 S Street, MS A204
Sacramento, CA 95817
916-732-5438 Exit ENERGY STAR

Spaans Cookie Company is a 105 year-old company located in the historic town of Galt, California. The Spaans company office building is a landmark property built in the early 1900s. Over the years, many improvements have been made to their buildings and operations, and they have always considered energy efficiency when making improvements. When they sought assistance in energy improvements to their offices, display room, bakery, warehouse and other holdings, Spaans turned to their electric utility company, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), for assistance.

Recently, a project was undertaken to completely upgrade one of their office buildings, which was originally an old bar and restaurant in Galt. This included a major lighting retrofit (inside and out), HVAC controls, insulation, flooring and windows. Spaans funded these improvements with some assistance from SMUD in the form of incentives for the lighting and HVAC controls in the amount of $2,147 of the total project costs of $22,681. Spaans’ expected annual savings are $2,322 — critical at this time of severe energy challenges in California.

The building improvements have resulted in increased exposure and leasing opportunities. The office building is now clearly one of the premier office spaces in bustling downtown Galt. The Galt Chamber of Commerce and Galt High School District offices have moved into the leased spaces. Spaans’ buildings have become a leader not just from the local community improvement point of view, but also as a leader in setting an example of profitable energy efficiency as well.

Spaans says that there were various obstacles along the way — with such an old building there were challenges with wiring, codes, permits, and contractor deadlines. However, a very clear benefit was the example they set by bringing an old building up to date and making it energy efficient, while maintaining historical presence. SMUD’s assistance with design, product contractors and priority of improvements was invaluable, says Spaans.

Spaans Cookie Company, looking toward the future by improving on the past.