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Success Story: The Solana Beach Presbyterian Church

Partner Information

Located in Solana Beach, CA
66,146 sq. ft. church
Annual Savings: $6,620
Annual Energy Savings: 95,000 kWh
Payback period: 11 months
Prevented 120,000 lbs. of pollution

Service and Product Provider

San Diego Gas and Electric Company

“We believe that this project is an excellent example of the opportunities available to care for God’s creation in an economically viable manner.” — Dr. Thomas D. English Chair, Environmental Task Force

Church Uses Energy Efficiency to Care for the Earth

The Solana Beach Presbyterian Church in Solana Beach, CA, put the principles of stewardship and cooperation to work to drastically slash its consumption of electricity, thereby preventing the production of pollution caused by generating power.

The Church’s Environmental Task Force developed a clear methodology and energy saving plan with the help of the local power utility — San Diego Gas and Electric Company — to make the Solana Beach Presbyterian Church a model of environmental stewardship. For its efforts, the Church has received much recognition, including a year 2000 ENERGY STAR® for Congregations Award.

Shine the Light

The Church replaced 780 fluorescent lamps throughout its facility with highly efficient T-8 fluorescent lamps with electronic ballasts. In addition, it replaced 88 incandescent bulbs with circular and compact fluorescent lamps. Upgrading to highly efficient lighting was the most visible outcome of the Church’s efforts, but by no means the only results.

Of the 15 energy saving and conservation measures recommended by the San Diego Gas and Electric Company, the Church, after carefully analyzing each measure in terms of energy savings, cost savings, cost to install, rebate measure incentives, and payback time, decided to implement 12 of the recommendations. In addition, the Church decided to implement five additional measures.

Among the energy saving and conservation measures implemented by the Church are the installation of (1) occupancy sensors to turn lights on and off as needed, (2) highly efficient light emitting diode (LED) exit signs, and (3) new, high efficiency air-conditioning and heating systems.

Planning and Cooperation Saves Environment, Energy

What is striking about the Church’s project is not only the energy efficiency measures that were implemented, but the care, planning, and cooperation that went into the effort. Dr. Thomas D. English, the Chair of the Church’s Environmental Task Force, says the energy project was started in August of 1999. On November 1, 1999, the San Diego Gas and Electric Company submitted their recommended energy saving and conservation measures. On November 19, the energy subcommittee of the Environmental Task Force submitted a memo to church staff on energy cost savings recommendations. By the end of February 2000, the project was completed. It went from conception to completion in just seven months!

The Dividends of Stewardship

The actual cost of the project was $15,230. The San Diego Gas and Electric Company offered a rebate of $9,382.50 as an incentive to implement the project, reducing the church’s cost to $5,847.50. Estimated yearly savings from the energy saving and conservation measures is $3,154. However, by combining four separate bills into one bill, and by obtaining a more favorable rate schedule, the church was able to save an additional $3,466 per year, for a total savings of $6,620. With an actual cost to the church of $5,847.50, payback was achieved in about 11 months.

Spreading the Word

Dr. English says the church staff and congregation have become increasingly aware of their duties to be better stewards of the environment. The church has spread the news about the opportunities for energy and cost savings to other churches through its environmental education program. In addition, the church is sharing its experiences with civic organizations, including the Sierra Club, the Audubon Society, and the Kiwanis.