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Success Story: Pearl Pressman Liberty

Partner Information

Pearl Pressman Liberty, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
29,000 Sq. Feet
Annual Cash Savings: $21,017.00
Employees: 100
Payback period: 18 months

Service and Product Provider

Corporate Energy Management Systems, Inc.

In an industry where demand for environmentally conscious products is high, Pearl Pressman Liberty (PPL), a 29,000 Sq. Feet commercial print facility in the historic Northern Liberties section of Philadelphia, knows that good environmental decisions are also good business decisions. That’s why joining ENERGY STAR® for small business was such an easy-and profitable-choice for this small business.

Big Benefits for Small Businesses

In just one month, PPL completed energy-efficient lighting upgrades that are now producing savings of over $21,000 a year. Furthermore, the energy reductions from these upgrades are equivalent to removing 28 cars from U.S. highways, or planting 56 acres of trees in U.S. forests. Employees have also benefited. The new energy-efficient lighting provides brighter offices and an increased sense of environmental awareness.

Pearl Pressman Liberty first learned about EPA’s voluntary ENERGY STAR energy efficiency programs through Corporate Energy Management Systems, Inc., located in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Although PPL had already begun their switch to energy-efficient lighting, they decided to join ENERGY STAR as a partner in December 1994. This enabled them to benefit from the unbiased technical information and public recognition that EPA provides at no charge to its partners. Pearl Pressman Liberty also printed a special newsletter about its lighting upgrade to inform clients and employees about the company’s leadership in protecting the environment.

Upgrade Overview: Easy as Changing a Light Bulb

Before the upgrade, most of Pearl Pressman Liberty’s 356 fixtures were inefficient T-12 fluorescent lamps with standard magnetic ballasts. These fixtures were replaced with energy-efficient T-8 fluorescent lamps and integrated, energy-saving electronic ballasts. In addition, 52 incandescent lamps were replaced with compact fluorescents, and 124 new lenses and reflectors were added to distribute light more efficiently. Overall, including the pressroom, bindery, and warehouse, the wattage per fixture decreased by more than half (decreasing the energy used), while actual light levels either increased or remained the same. Pearl Pressman Liberty also changed three exit signs from 25-watt incandescents to 9-watt compact fluorescents, saving the company $94 per year. The company also plans to replace four 1,000-watt security lamps that are on 24 hours a day with four 70-watt high-pressure sodium lamps.

Pearl Pressman Liberty’s financing for the $30,000 upgrade came directly out of its working capital. However, with savings of $21,017 per year, the upgrades paid for themselves within eighteen months. Investing in energy-efficient equipment proved to be a smart move, one that pays real dividends like any other sound investment.

Although PPL has a maintenance staff of eight, the company decided to go with Corporate Energy Management because they specialize in lighting. Corporate Energy Management surveyed the facilities and installed the new lighting. The entire process was completed in less than one month, during working hours, and, with no interruption to Pearl Pressman Liberty’s work schedule.

“We partnered with EPA not only for the money savings, but also to benefit the environment. In our business, people tend to buy from environmentally conscious companies if they can.”

Michael Rosen
Environmental Manager
Pearl Pressman Liberty