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Success Story: Otter Wash Laundromat

Partner Information

Otter Wash Laundromat, Seattle, Washington
3,500 Sq. Feet
Annual Cash Savings: $525
Annual Energy savings: 6,240 kWh
Payback period: 1.4 years
Prevented 7,500 pounds of pollution

Service and Product Provider

Seattle City Light

Otter Wash Laundromat Cleans Up on Energy Savings

The old, dim lamps at the Otter Wash Laundromat in Seattle, WA, flickered and emitted a sickly green color. Employees complained of eyestrain, the seamstress struggled to thread her needle, and workers strained to find stains in clothing. Fortunately, John Houde, the owner of the full-service fabric care facility, did some investigating and found a solution that not only improved employee productivity and morale but also increased profits.

A New Spin On Savings

His solution? Retrofit the lighting at the 3,500-sq.ft. facility. At first, Houde was skeptical. It would cost an estimated $2,000 to complete the retrofit. That’s a lot of money for most small business owners — especially when the investment will not directly produce revenue. He knew that the retrofit would cut his energy bills, but still, $2,000 isn’t pocket change.

Here’s A New Wrinkle: Slash Costs

However, as Houde continued his investigation, he discovered the Small Commercial Rebate (SCR) Program offer by Seattle City Light. An SCR representative explained how a lighting retrofit can be a great investment for a small business. The savings will quickly pay for the installation cost, and after that cost is recovered, go straight to the bottom line. Once Houde decided to proceed, the SCR representative also helped him find a local lighting contractor and a rebate that offset part of the installation cost.

Energy Use Tumbles

Houde upgraded the 8-foot lamps and magnetic ballasts in the main laundry area and front lobby with highly efficient 4-foot T-8 lamps and electronic ballasts. He retrofitted 24 fixtures in all at a savings of approximately 6,240 kWh per year. That works out to a total savings of more than $500 a year. Houde spent nearly $2,000 on upgrading the lights, but he received a rebate for more than half of the installation cost. Thanks to the rebate, he’ll recover his investment in less than a year and a half. Even if Houde hadn’t received a rebate, he would still have recovered his costs in just 3.5 years.

Cleaning Up

Saving money is great, but the intangible benefits from the upgrade are equally impressive. Otter Wash offers dry cleaning, mending, and alterations in addition to self-serve laundry facilities. The new lights have improved lighting levels and color rendition, making it easier for employees to examine the clothes. Eyestrain is no longer a problem and it’s much easier to concentrate. These improvements have boosted morale and productivity, and also make the facility appear brighter, cleaner, and more upbeat. And that is good for business. As Houde said, “Everybody wins!”

“Everybody wins. We get something for nothing. The energy savings pay for the installation.”

John Houde
Otter Wash Laundromat