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Success Story: Circuits Engineering, Inc.

Organization Information

Circuits Engineering, Inc., Bothell, Washington
25,000 Sq. Feet
Annual Cash Savings: $3,305
Annual Energy savings: 77,911 kWh
Payback period: 1.9 years
Prevented 7,791 pounds of pollution

Electronics Firm Gets A Charge Out Of Energy Savings

Chad Renando is no stranger to environmental issues. As the compliance officer at Circuits Engineering, Inc., a circuit board manufacturer in Bothell, Washington, he’s had plenty of experience dealing with local, state, and federal regulatory agencies. “I’ve just started learning about EPA’s ENERGY STAR for small business Program,” he said. “I’m always looking for information to help make our company more environmentally friendly.” And with ENERGY STAR for small business, he can be environmentally friendly, can cut down on his energy costs, and does not have to worry about compliance issues.

Award-Winning Conductivity

Renando is justifiably proud of the steps his company has taken to be environmentally friendly. Circuits Engineering has received several local and state awards, including the Gold Award for Discharging Waste and the appellation Distinguished Business in the Green. “We’ve seen a 60-percent reduction in hazardous sludge and a 38-percent reduction in water waste per square foot,” he said. With his eye for detail, Renando has established a data-base to track waste production issues for regional companies.

Now Renando is turning that sharp eye to EPA’s ENERGY STAR for small business program and the energy savings it can help his company achieve.

High-Voltage Upgrades

Armed with a recent, no-cost, do-it-yourself audit provided by ENERGY STAR for small business, Renando has started to identify ways to slash operating costs while achieving more of his environmental goals. For example, the audit recommended replacing the company’s 252 standard fluorescent lights and magnetic ballasts with high-efficiency T-8 lamps and electronic ballasts. The company is replacing the lights as they burn out, but as Renando continues studying the issue, that policy could change. Replacing the lamps and ballasts could save the company $1,112 a year.

Circuits is also replacing its 34 motors with high-efficiency ones as they burn out. Companies can usually save money by upgrading all of their motors at one time; this procedure reduces labor costs and allows savings on volume pricing.

The Power Of Information

Renando has also replaced the old air conditioner with a new, high-efficiency one. With additional maintenance practices, air conditioning savings alone add up to $654 per year. “This is just a start,“ he said. “As I learn more about ENERGY STAR for small business my options will increase. One of the things I appreciate most about this program is that the staff are very willing to provide you with information. They will work with you if you just ask.”

Renando learned about ENERGY STAR for small business from EPA’s Web site, located at www.epa.gov/smallbiz. He used the site to join with the program and has received the reader-friendly guide Putting Energy Into Profits, a 100-page document available at no-cost to EPA’s ENERGY STAR for small business participants and for $12 to the general public through the Government Printing Office.

“I’m just getting up to speed on EPA’s ENERGY STAR for small business program. What I like about the program so far is its wealth of knowledgeable resources.”

Chad Renando
Compliance Officer
Circuits Engineering, Inc.