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Success Story: Cape Canaveral Marine Services, Inc.

Partner Information

Located in Cape Canaveral, Florida
16,000 sq. ft. office space
Annual Cash Savings: $15,000
Annual Energy Savings: 215,000 kWh
Payback period: 5 years
Prevented 475,000 lbs. of pollution

Eco-Company Cleans Up on Energy Savings

Cape Canaveral Marine Services, Inc., is an international organization that offers a variety of environmental services, including oil spill containment and cleanup, emergency fire response, and hazardous chemical spill services. In line with its corporate mission to protect the environment, the company has recently installed a number of energy efficiency measures at its corporate headquarters in Cape Canaveral, FL. The 16,000 square foot facility, which provides offices for 35 employees, has become so energy efficient that it received a year 2000 ENERGY STAR for small business Award in recognition of its energy-saving achievement.

Save Energy, Save Money, Save the Environment

Company President James Bell says, “We made the changes because they were economically and environmentally sound business decisions. We are proud of our accomplishments and of participating in a measurable, meaningful program (ENERGY STAR) that every staff member can identify with.”

Over a five-year period, Bell and his company have installed a number of energy efficiency measures — everything from high-efficiency lighting to high-efficiency fan and pump motors for the heating, ventilation, and cooling (HVAC) system. Thanks to the efforts of Bell and his staff, the company is saving approximately $15,000 annually in energy and water costs.

The Profits of Energy Efficiency

The company has taken advantage of current high-efficiency lighting technology. It’s replaced its standard fluorescent and incandescent lamps with T-8 fluorescents with electronic ballasts. In addition, high-pressure sodium and metal halide lamps provide exterior lighting. The exit signs all use light emitting diode (LED) technology, which not only saves energy but also reduces maintenance costs, since LED exit signs have a life of 15–20 years.

Energy Savings Spill Over

Much of the energy savings the company is enjoying are attributable to relatively low-cost measures. For example, the hot water tank and pipes were insulated, the hot water temperature was lowered, and an equipment maintenance schedule was established. To make sure the HVAC and other energy-using equipment are running as efficiently as possible, the company uses an Energy Management System.

Key to the company’s energy efficiency success is staff awareness. Bell says, “We increased staff awareness through meetings, seminars, and incentives.” This staff participation is important, because employee behavior can have a huge effect on a building’s energy consumption. For a company that uses employees to help monitor its energy consumption, an energy conscious staff is crucial.

Eco-Friendliness = Greater Profits

Bell says his company has benefited from ENERGY STAR for small business. Though the information and support that ENERGY STAR provides, Cape Canaveral Marine Services, Inc., has enjoyed improved productivity, increased sales, and very favorable media coverage, according to Bell.

“We have not really had any obstacles,” Bell says. “Our successes have been financial, environmental, and in public relations.”

Bell has one bit of advice for other small businesses considering partnering with ENERGY STAR for small business: “Don’t delay … do it today! It’s a worthwhile program for every company.”

To learn more about Cape Canaveral Marine Services, Inc., visit its Web site at http://www.caprep.com/sponsors/cape.htm. Exit ENERGY STAR