Table 6-25
Firms and employment in U.S. small businesses versus all businesses: 2004
Technology   All businesses   Small businesses   Small business share (%)
Firms (thousands)    497    482    97.0
Employment (millions)   15.1   5.0   33.5
All technologies            
Firms (thousands)   5,886   5,869   99.7
Employment (millions)   115.1   58.6   50.9

NOTES: Small businesses are firms with <500 employees. Firms include those reporting no employees on their payroll. Firm is an entity that is either a single location with no subsidiary or branches or topmost parent of a group of subsidiaries or branches. High-technology industries defined by Bureau of Labor Statistics on basis of employment intensity of technology-oriented occupations.

SOURCES: Census Bureau, Statistics of U.S. Businesses,; and Hecker DE. 2006. High-technology employment: A NAICS-based update. Monthly Labor Review 128(7):57–72,, accessed 19 September 2007.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008