Table 6-10
Value-added revenue and world share of manufacturing industries by select technology levels for selected regions/countries: Selected years, 1996–2005
Industry and region/country   1996   2001   2005
Medium-high technology            
All regions/countries
  (2000 constant $trillions)
  1.391   1.422   1.682
United States   26.3   24.4   22.9
EU   29.8   31.2   28.2
Asia   31.5   31.0   36.7
Japan   21.4   20.1   20.7
China   3.5   4.5   7.8
Medium-low technology            
All regions/countries
  (2000 constant $trillions)
  1.190   1.272   1.459
United States   23.7   22.8   22.0
EU   28.6   28.2   25.2
Asia   31.0   31.0   35.2
Japan   19.5   17.1   15.1
China   4.3   5.5   10.6
Low technology            
All regions/countries
  (2000 constant $trillions)
  1.721   1.783   1.953
United States   29.7   29.4   30.3
EU   26.6   27.2   25.0
Asia   27.6   26.4   28.6
Japan   18.2   15.9   13.9
China   4.2   4.7   9.0

EU = European Union

NOTES: Technology level of manufacturing industries classified by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on basis of R&D intensity of output. Value-added revenue excludes purchases of domestic and imported materials and inputs. EU excludes Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, and Slovenia. Asia includes China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand. China includes Hong Kong.

SOURCE: Global Insight, Inc., World Industry Service database, special tabulations (15 April 2007). See appendix tables 6-12 and 6-13.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008