Table 6-6
Classification of manufacturing industries based on average R&D intensity: 1991–97
        R&D intensity
Industry   ISIC rev. 3   Totala   United States
Total manufacturing    15–37    2.5    3.1
High-technology industries            
Aircraft and spacecraft   353   14.2   14.6
Pharmaceuticals   2423   10.8   12.4
Office, accounting, and computing machinery   30   9.3   14.7
Radio, television, and communication equipment   32   8.0   8.6
Medical, precision, and optical instruments   33   7.3   7.9
Medium-high-technology industries            
Electrical machinery and apparatus nec   31   3.9   4.1
Motor vehicles, trailers, and semi trailers   34   3.5   4.5
Chemicals excluding pharmaceuticals   24 excl. 2423   3.1   3.1
Railroad equipment and transport equipment nec   352 + 359   2.4   na
Machinery and equipment nec   29   1.9   1.8
Medium-low-technology industries            
Coke, refined petroleum products, and nuclear fuel   23   1.0   1.3
Rubber and plastic products   25   0.9   1.0
Other nonmetallic mineral products   26   0.9   0.8
Building and repairing of ships and boats   351   0.9   nab
Basic metals   27   0.8   0.4
Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment   28   0.6   0.7
Low-technology industries            
Manufacturing nec and recycling   36–37   0.4   0.6
Wood, pulp, paper, paper products, printing, and publishing   20–22   0.3   0.5
Food products, beverages, and tobacco   15–16   0.3   0.3
Textiles, textile products, leather, and footwear   17–19   0.3   0.2

na = not applicable

ISIC = International Standard Industrial Classification; nec = not elsewhere classified

aAggregate R&D intensities calculated after converting R&D expenditures and production with 1995 gross domestic product purchasing power parities.
bR&D expenditures in shipbuilding (351) included in other transport (352 and 359).

NOTE: R&D intensity is direct R&D expenditures as percentage of production (gross output).

SOURCES: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, ANBERD database,; and STAN database,,3343,en_2649_201185_21573686_1_1_1_1,00.html.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008