Table 6-1
Average annual growth of real wages and benefits paid to U.S. workers and labor productivity, by selected economic sectors: 1989–2005
Sector    Annual growth/
Private industry   0.7
Goods sector   0.7
White collar   0.9
Blue collar   0.6
Services   0.7
White collar   0.8
Blue collar   0.5
Labor productivity (economywide)   1.8

NOTES: Productivity growth measured on basis of gross domestic product (GDP) per employee. GDP is 2005 U.S. dollars converted at 2000 purchasing power parities. Goods sector includes manufacturing, construction, mining, and utilities. Service sector includes financial, retail, communications, and business.

SOURCES: Conference Board and Groningen Growth and Development Centre, Total Economy Database (15 September 2006),; and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Cost Index, Historical Listing, Constant-dollar, 1975–2005,, accessed 25 June 2007.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008