Table 5-6
New construction of S&E research space in academic institutions, by field and time of construction: FY 2004–07
(Millions of square feet)
    Construction started
FY 2004–05
  Construction planned to start
FY 2006–07
Field   Institutions
All fields   167   10.2   172   13.7
Agricultural sciences   26   0.4   23   0.5
Biological sciences   84   3.2   77   3.4
Computer sciences   18   0.3   14   0.5
Earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences   26   0.3   14   0.1
Engineering   50   1.5   47   1.9
Mathematics   8   *   7   0.1
Medical sciences   57   3.3   54   4.0
Physical sciences   32   0.5   43   1.5
Psychology   14   0.2   10   0.2
Social sciences   12   0.1   11   0.3
Other sciences   12   0.3   23   1.2
Animal research space   64   1.2   54   1.0

* = >0 but <50,000 NASF

NASF = net assignable square feet

NOTES: Animal research space listed separately and also included in individual field totals. Detail may not add to total because of rounding.

SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Science and Engineering Research Facilities, Fiscal Year 2005.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008