Table 4-21
U.S. trade in research, development, and testing services: 2001–05
(Millions of dollars)
  Exports   Imports   Trade balance
Year      Total      Affiliated      Unaffiliated      Total      Affiliated      Unaffiliated      Total      Affiliated      Unaffiliated
2001   6,746   5,700   1,046   2,425   1,700   725   4,321   4,000   321
2002   8,142   7,000   1,142   3,028   2,000   1,028   5,114   5,000   114
2003   9,376   8,200   1,176   4,410   3,100   1,310   4,966   5,100   -134
2004   8,760   7,500   1,260   4,993   3,100   1,893   3,767   4,400   -633
2005   10,095   8,800   1,295   6,717   4,400   2,317   3,378   4,400   -1,022
SOURCE: Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. International Services: Cross-Border Trade 1986–2005, and Sales Through Affiliates, 1986–2004,, accessed 10 December 2006. See appendix table 4-52.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008