Table 3-25
NSF and Census Bureau estimates of foreign-born individuals in S&E occupations, by education level: Selected years, 1999–2005
  2003   2005
Education   1999 NSF/SRS
  2000 Census
  NSF/SRS SESTAT   Census American
Community Survey
  Census American
Community Survey
All college educated   15.0   22.4   22.5   25.0   25.5
Bachelor's   11.3   16.5   16.3   18.8   19.1
Master's   19.4   29.0   29.0   32.0   32.7
Doctorate   28.7   37.6   35.6   39.5   41.1

NSF/SRS = National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics; PUMS = Public Use Microdata Sample; SESTAT = Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System

NOTES: Includes all S&E occupations other than postsecondary teachers because field of instruction not included in occupation coding for 2000 Census or American Community Survey. NSF/SRS SESTAT S&E occupations adjusted to be compatible with Census and American Community Survey occupations. All college educated includes those with professional degrees.

SOURCES: NSF/SRS, SESTAT database, 1999 and 2003,; Census Bureau, PUMS, 2000; and American Community Survey, 2003, 2005.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008