Table 2-10
European and North American recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates, by field and region/country of origin: 1985–2005
    Europea   North America
Field   All   Western   Scandinavia   Central and Eastern   All   Canada   Mexico
All fields   32,974   22,380   1,990   8,604   13,601   9,778   3,823
S&E   25,465   16,341   1,514   7,610   9,481   6,231   3,250
Engineering   5,189   3,439   275   1,475   1,585   848   737
Science   20,276   12,902   1,239   6,135   7,896   5,383   2,513
Agricultural sciences   734   553   60   121   796   251   545
Biological sciences   3,655   2,386   215   1,054   1,823   1,274   549
Computer sciences   1,233   743   70   420   262   181   81
Earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences   982   680   81   221   360   214   146
Mathematics   2,591   1,250   107   1,234   483   306   177
Medical/other life sciences   578   462   65   51   566   477   89
Physical sciences   5,216   2,822   222   2,172   1,038   765   273
Psychology   969   768   88   113   865   779   86
Social sciences   4,318   3,238   331   749   1,703   1,136   567
Non-S&E   7,509   6,039   476   994   4,120   3,547   573

a See figure 2-27 notes for countries included in Western Europe, Scandinavia, and Central and Eastern Europe.

NOTE: Foreign doctorate recipients include permanent and temporary residents.

SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Earned Doctorates, special tabulations (2006).

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008