Table 2-9
Asian recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates, by field and country/economy of origin: 1985–2005
Field   Asia   China   Taiwan   India   South Korea
All fields   153,117   44,345   22,914   21,623   24,139
S&E   130,426   41,677   19,187   18,712   18,872
Engineering   48,166   12,784   8,816   8,172   7,273
Science   82,260   28,893   10,371   10,540   11,599
Agricultural sciences   5,313   1,313   709   434   728
Biological sciences   20,973   9,957   2,658   2,668   2,132
Computer sciences   5,850   1,360   970   1,515   745
Earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences   2,947   1,345   388   243   366
Mathematics   6,236   2,692   739   575   829
Medical/other life sciences   4,026   813   753   727   413
Physical sciences   19,735   8,934   2,234   2,479   2,429
Psychology   2,005   297   297   238   318
Social sciences   15,175   2,182   1,623   1,661   3,639
Non-S&E   22,691   2,668   3,727   2,911   5,267

NOTE: Foreign doctorate recipients include permanent and temporary residents.

SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Earned Doctorates, special tabulations (2006).

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008