Chapter 8: State Indicators

Research and Development Outputs

Select Indicator:

Quartiles | Findings | Description

S&E doctorate conferred per 1,000 S&E doctorate holders: 2003

S&E doctorate conferred per 1,000 S&E doctorate holders: 2003

S&E Doctorate Conferred per 1,000 S&E Doctorate Holders: 2003.


S&E doctorates conferred per 1,000 S&E doctorate holders: 2003*

1st Quartile
2nd Quartile
3rd Quartile
4th Quartile
Alabama District of Columbia California Alaska
Arizona Florida Colorado Arkansas
Illinois Georgia Connecticut Hawaii
Indiana Massachusetts Delaware Idaho
Iowa Mississippi Kentucky Maine
Kansas Missouri Minnesota Maryland
Louisiana New York Nevada Montana
Michigan Ohio New Hampshire New Jersey
Nebraska Oklahoma North Carolina New Mexico
North Dakota Pennsylvania Oregon Vermont
Utah Rhode Island South Carolina Virginia
Wisconsin Texas South Dakota Washington
Wyoming West Virginia Tennessee
*States in alphabetical order, not data order.

SOURCES: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Earned Doctorates; and Survey of Doctorate Recipients. See table 8-31.

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  • In 2003, 25,000 S&E doctorates were awarded by U.S. academic institutions, essentially the same as in 2001 but lower than the nearly 27,000 S&E doctorates awarded in 1997.

  • The state average of this indicator decreased between 1997 and 2003, reflecting both a decline in the production of new S&E doctorate holders and an increase in the stock of S&E doctorate holders living in the United States.

  • This indicator is volatile for many states and may reflect the migration patterns of existing S&E doctorate holders.

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This indicator provides a measure of the rate at which the states are training new science and engineering doctorate recipients for entry into the workforce. High values indicate relatively large production of new doctorate holders compared with the existing stock. Some states with relatively low values may need to attract S&E doctorate holders from elsewhere to meet the needs of local employers.

This indicator does not account for the mobility of recent S&E doctorate recipients, which is very high. Foreign-born graduate students may decide to return home after graduation to begin their careers. Most recent doctorate recipients are influenced by the location of employment opportunities.

U.S. S&E doctorate holders include those in the physical, life, earth, ocean, atmospheric, computer, and social sciences; mathematics; engineering; and psychology. Medical doctorates are excluded. The population of doctorate holders for this indicator consisted of all individuals under age 76 years who received a research doctorate in science or engineering from a U.S. institution and were residing in the United States.

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National Science Board.