Volume 2: Appendix Tables

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Chapter 1: Elementary and Secondary Education

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Table Title Excel PDF
1-1 First-time kindergartners demonstrating specific mathematics skills and knowledge, by child and family characteristics: Fall 1998 and spring 1999 Excel. PDF.
1-2 Mean mathematics scores of fall 1998 first-time kindergartners, by time of assessment and child and family characteristics: Fall 1998 and spring 1999, 2000, and 2002 Excel. PDF.
1-3 Fall 1998 first-time kindergartners demonstrating proficiency in specific mathematics skills and knowledge areas in spring of third grade, by child and family characteristics: Spring 2002 Excel. PDF.
1-4 Mean science scores of fall 1998 first-time kindergartners in spring of third grade, by child and family characteristics: Spring 2002 Excel. PDF.
1-5 Average mathematics score of students in grades 4, 8, and 12, by student characteristics: Selected years, 1990–2003 Excel. PDF.
1-6 Students in grades 4, 8, and 12 scoring at or above proficient level in mathematics for their grade, by student characteristics: Selected years, 1990–2003 Excel. PDF.
1-7 Average science score of students in grades 4, 8, and 12, by student characteristics: 1996 and 2000 Excel. PDF.
1-8 Students in grades 4, 8, and 12 scoring at or above proficient level in science for their grade, by student characteristics: 1996 and 2000 Excel. PDF.
1-9 Average mathematics score of fourth grade students, by country: 2003 Excel. PDF.
1-10 Average mathematics score of eighth grade students, by country: 2003 Excel. PDF.
1-11 Average science score of fourth grade students, by country: 2003 Excel. PDF.
1-12 Average science score of eighth grade students, by country: 2003 Excel. PDF.
1-13 Average mathematics literacy score of 15-year-old students, by country: 2003 Excel. PDF.
1-14 Average science literacy score of 15-year-old students, by country: 2003 Excel. PDF.
1-15 High school graduates who attended schools offering advanced mathematics courses, by student and school characteristics: Selected years, 1990–2003 Excel. PDF.
1-16 High school graduates who attended schools offering advanced science courses, by student and school characteristics: Selected years, 1990–2003 Excel. PDF.
1-17 High school graduates who completed advanced mathematics courses, by selected student and school characteristics: Selected years, 1990–2000 Excel. PDF.
1-18 High school graduates who completed advanced science courses, by selected student and school characteristics: Selected years, 1990–2000 Excel. PDF.
1-19 U.S. students who took mathematics and science Advanced Placement tests and percentage with passing scores, by sex and race/ethnicity: 1997 and 2004 Excel. PDF.
1-20 1992 12th graders who had earned bachelor's degree by 2000, by selected academic characteristics and current or most recent occupation: 2000 Excel. PDF.
1-21 Public school grades 7-12 mathematics and science teachers with full certification in assigned teaching field: 1999–2000 Excel. pdf1
1-22 Public school grades 7-12 mathematics and science teachers with undergraduate or graduate major or minor in assigned teaching field: 1999–2000 Excel. PDF.
1-23 Salary trends of public school K-12 and beginning teachers: Selected years, 1972–2002 Excel. PDF.
1-24 Annual statutory salaries of public school teachers at beginning, after 15 years of experience, and at top of scale; salary per instructional hour after 15 years of experience; and ratio of salaries after 15 years of experience to gross domestic product per capita, by level of schooling and OECD country: 2002 Excel. PDF.
1-25 Public school teacher stayers, movers, and leavers who agreed with various statements about their current or former schools: 2000–2001 Excel. PDF.
1-26 Student access to and use of computers and Internet at home, and use of both information technology resources at school, by student and family characteristics: 2003 Excel. PDF.
1-27 Third grade students' frequency of accessing Internet and using computers (from teacher reports), by school and teacher characteristics: 2002 Excel. PDF.
1-28 Among students with access, those who used computers at home or accessed Internet anywhere for specific tasks, and frequency of Internet use, by student and family characteristics: 2003 Excel. PDF.
1-29 Teachers' familiarity with computers, percentage who spent >32 hours on IT-related training, and percentage who had training that mentioned or focused on various IT-related topics, by teacher characteristics: 2000–01 Excel. PDF.
1-30 Third grade teacher assessments of their preparation to use computers for instruction and of their school's technical support, by school and teacher characteristics: 2002 Excel. PDF.
1-31 High school graduates enrolled in college October after completing high school, by sex, race/ethnicity, family income, and institution type: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
1-32 First-time entry rates into postsecondary (tertiary) education for selected OECD countries, by program type and sex: 1998 and 2001 Excel. PDF.

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Chapter 2: Higher Education in Science and Engineering

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Table Title Excel PDF
2-1 Institutions awarding S&E degrees, by field, degree level, and Carnegie institution type: 2002 Excel. pdf2
2-2 S&E degrees awarded, by degree level, Carnegie institution type, and field: 2002 Excel. pdf2
2-3 Enrollment in higher education, by Carnegie institution type: 1967–2001 Excel. pdf2
2-4 U.S. population ages 20-24 years, by sex and race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1985–2020 Excel. pdf2
2-5 Enrollment in major types of institutions, by citizenship and race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1992–2001 Excel. pdf2
2-6 Freshmen intending S&E major, by sex, race/ethnicity, and field: Selected years, 1983–2004 Excel. pdf2
2-7 Freshmen intending to major in selected S&E fields, by sex and race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1983–2004 Excel. pdf2
2-8 Freshmen reporting need for remediation in mathematics or science, by sex and intended major: 1984 and 2002 Excel. pdf2
2-9 Foreign undergraduate student enrollment in U.S. universities, by selected places of origin: Selected years, 1987–2004 Excel. pdf2
2-10 Undergraduate enrollment in engineering and engineering technology programs: Selected years, 1983–2003 Excel. pdf2
2-11 Engineering enrollment, by enrollment level and attendance: 1983–2003 Excel. pdf2
2-12 Employment and education status of S&E bachelor's and master's degree recipients, by degree level and undergraduate GPA: 1995, 2001, and 2003 Excel. pdf2
2-13 First-time full-time S&E graduate students, by field: Selected years, 1983–2003 Excel. pdf2
2-14 S&E graduate enrollment, by field and sex: Selected years, 1983–2003 Excel. pdf2
2-15 S&E graduate enrollment, by field, citizenship, and race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1983–2003 Excel. pdf2
2-16 First-time full-time S&E graduate students, by field and citizenship: 2000–03 Excel. pdf2
2-17 Foreign graduate student enrollment in U.S. universities, by selected place of origin: Selected years, 1987–2004 Excel. pdf2
2-18 Full-time S&E graduate students, by source and mechanism of primary support: 1983–2003 Excel. pdf2
2-19 Full-time S&E graduate students, by field and mechanism of primary support: 2003 Excel. pdf2
2-20 Full-time S&E graduate students primarily supported by federal government, by field and mechanism of primary support: 2003 Excel. pdf2
2-21 Full-time S&E graduate students primarily supported by federal government, by agency: 1983–2003 Excel. pdf2
2-22 Primary mechanisms of support for S&E doctorate recipients, by citizenship, sex, and race/ethnicity: 2003 Excel. pdf2
2-23 Amount of undergraduate and graduate debt of S&E doctorate recipients, by field: 2003 Excel. pdf2
2-24 Earned associate's degrees, by field and sex: Selected years, 1983–2002 Excel. pdf2
2-25 Earned associate's degrees, by field, race/ethnicity, and citizenship: Selected years, 1985–2002 Excel. pdf2
2-26 Earned bachelor's degrees, by field and sex: Selected years, 1983–2002 Excel. pdf2
2-27 Earned bachelor's degrees, by field, race/ethnicity, and citizenship: Selected years, 1985–2002 Excel. pdf2
2-28 Earned master's degrees, by field and sex: Selected years, 1983–2002 Excel. pdf2
2-29 Earned master's degrees, by field, race/ethnicity, and citizenship: Selected years, 1985–2002 Excel. pdf2
2-30 Earned doctoral degrees, by field, sex, and citizenship: Selected years, 1983–2003 Excel. pdf2
2-31 Earned doctoral degrees, by field, citizenship, and race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1983–2003 Excel. pdf.
2-32 Earned doctoral degrees, by field and citizenship: 1983–2003 Excel. pdf.
2-33 Plans of foreign recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates to stay in United States, by field and place of origin: 1992–2003 Excel. pdf.
2-34 Time from bachelor's to S&E doctoral degree, by doctoral degree field: 1983–2003 Excel. pdf.
2-35 Postdocs at U.S. universities, by field and citizenship status: 1983–2003 Excel. pdf.
2-36 Trends in population ages 18-23 years, by selected country and region: 1980–2050 Excel. pdf.
2-37 Field of first university degrees and ratio of first university degrees and S&E degrees to 24-year-old population, by selected region and country/economy: 2002 or most recent year Excel. pdf.
2-38 S&E first university degrees, by selected Western or Asian country and field: Selected years, 1983–2002 Excel. pdf.
2-39 Field of first university degrees and ratio of first university and S&E degrees to 24-year-old population, by sex, country/economy, and region: 2002 or most recent year Excel. pdf.
2-40 Earned S&E doctoral degree, by selected region, country/economy, and field: 2002 or most recent year Excel. pdf.
2-41 Earned S&E doctoral degrees, by selected region, country/economy, sex, and field: 2002 or most recent year Excel. pdf.
2-42 S&E doctoral degrees, by selected Western industrialized country and field: 1983–2003 Excel. pdf.
2-43 S&E doctoral degrees, by selected Asian country/economy and field: Selected years, 1983–2003 Excel. pdf.
2-44 Foreign S&E student enrollment in U.K. universities, by enrollment level, place of origin, and field: 1994 and 2004 Excel. pdf.
2-45 Foreign S&E doctoral student enrollment in French universities, by field and place of origin: 2003 Excel. pdf.
2-46 Foreign S&E student enrollment in Japanese universities, by enrollment level, place of origin, and field: 2004 Excel. pdf.
2-47 S&E student enrollment in Canadian universities, by enrollment level, top place of origin, and field: 2001 Excel. pdf.
2-48 Doctoral degrees earned by foreign students, by selected industrialized country and field: 2003 or most recent year Excel. pdf.

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Chapter 3. Science and Engineering Labor Force

Download Chapter 3 PDF. (310K)

Table Title Excel PDF
3-1 Science and technology employment, by occupation: Selected years, 1950–2000 Excel. PDF.
3-2 Average annual growth rate of degree production and occupational employment, by S&E field: 1980–2000 Excel. PDF.
3-3 Workforce in S&E occupations: 1983–2004 Excel. PDF.
3-4 Bureau of Labor Statistics projections of employment in S&E occupations: 2002 and 2012 Excel. PDF.
3-5 Median annual salaries of U.S. individuals in S&E and S&E-related occupations, by highest degree, occupation, and years since degree: 2003 Excel. PDF.
3-6 Employed individuals with S&E or S&E-related highest degrees whose jobs are closely or somewhat related to field of highest degree, by degree level and years since degree: 2003 Excel. PDF.
3-7 Employed individuals with S&E or S&E-related highest degrees whose jobs are closely related to field of highest degree, by degree level and years since degree: 2003 Excel. PDF.
3-8 Unemployment rate, by occupation: 1983–2004 Excel. PDF.
3-9 Employed individuals with S&E or S&E-related highest degree, by highest degree, field of highest degree, and employment sector: 2003 Excel. PDF.
3-10 Individuals in S&E and S&E-related occupations, by highest degree, occupation, sex, race/ethnicity, and employment status: 2003 Excel. PDF.
3-11 Median annual salaries of U.S. individuals in S&E and S&E-related occupations, by highest degree, occupation, sex, race/ethnicity, and years since degree: 2003 Excel. PDF.
3-12 Median annual salaries of individuals employed in S&E occupations, by occupation and highest degree: 2003 Excel. PDF.
3-13 Individuals in labor force with S&E or S&E-related highest degrees, by highest degree, degree field, sex, race/ethnicity, and age: 2003 Excel. PDF.
3-14 Older S&E degree holders working full time, by age and degree level: 2003 Excel. PDF.
3-15 Tertiary-educated population more than 15 years old, by country: 2000 Excel. PDF.
3-16 Individuals in labor force in S&E and S&E-related occupations, by highest degree, occupation, sex, race/ethnicity, and age: 2003 Excel. PDF.
3-17 High-skilled-worker visas in Japan, entries: Selected years, 1992–2003 Excel. PDF.
3-18 Foreign-born U.S. residents with S&E and S&E-related highest degree, by degree level and place of birth: 2003 Excel. PDF.

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Chapter 4. Research and Development: Funds and Technology Linkages

Download Chapter 4 PDF. (522K)

Table Title Excel PDF
4-1 Gross domestic product and implicit price deflators: 1953–2005 Excel. PDF.
4-2 Purchasing power parity and purchasing power parity/market exchange rate ratios, by selected country: 1981–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-3 U.S. R&D expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-4 U.S. inflation-adjusted R&D expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-5 U.S. R&D expenditures, by source of funds and performing sector: 1953–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-6 U.S. inflation-adjusted R&D expenditures, by source of funds and performing sector: 1953–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-7 U.S. basic research expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-8 U.S. inflation-adjusted basic research expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-9 U.S. basic research expenditures, by source of funds and performing sector: 1953–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-10 U.S. inflation-adjusted basic research expenditures, by source of funds and performing sector: 1953–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-11 U.S. applied research expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-12 U.S. inflation-adjusted applied research expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-13 U.S. applied research expenditures, by source of funds and performing sector: 1953–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-14 U.S. inflation-adjusted applied research expenditures, by source of funds and performing sector: 1953–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-15 U.S. development expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-16 U.S. inflation-adjusted development expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-17 U.S. development expenditures, by source of funds and performing sector: 1953–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-18 U.S. inflation-adjusted development expenditures, by source of funds and performing sector: 1953–2004 Excel. PDF.
4-19 Total (federal plus company and other) funds for industrial R&D performance in United States, by industry and size of company: 1999–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-20 Company and other nonfederal funds for industrial R&D performance in United States, by industry and size of company: 1999–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-21 Federal funds for industrial R&D performance in United States, by industry and size of company: 1999–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-22 Company and other (nonfederal) R&D fund share of net sales in R&D-performing companies, by industry and company size: 1999–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-23 R&D expenditure, by state, performing sector, and source of funds: 2003 Excel. PDF.
4-24 Total R&D and gross state product, by state: 2003 Excel. PDF.
4-25 FFRDC R&D expenditures: FY 2003 Excel. PDF.
4-26 Federal R&D budget authority, by budget function: FY 1980–2006 Excel. PDF.
4-27 Federal basic research budget authority, by budget function: FY 1996–2006 Excel. PDF.
4-28 Trends in R&D and federal outlays: Selected fiscal years, 1970–2006 Excel. PDF.
4-29 Discrepancy between federal R&D support, as reported by performers and federal agencies: 1980–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-30 Estimated federal obligations for R&D and R&D plant, by selected agency, performer, and character of work: FY 2005 Excel. PDF.
4-31 Estimated federal obligations for research, by agency and S&E field: FY 2005 Excel. PDF.
4-32 Federal obligations for total research, by detailed S&E field: FY 1984–2005 Excel. PDF.
4-33 Federal research and experimentation tax credit claims and number of corporate tax returns claiming the credit, by NAICS industry: 1998–2001 Excel. PDF.
4-34 Company-funded R&D expenditures within company and contracted out to other companies in United States: 1993–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-35 R&D expenditures contracted out in United States, by selected NAICS industry: 1999–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-36 Industrial technology alliances registered under National Cooperative Research and Production Act, by selected NAICS code: 1994–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-37 Industrial technology alliances classified by country of ultimate parent company, by technology and type (equity/nonequity): 1980–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-38 Federal technology transfer indicators, by selected U.S. agency: FY 1987–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-39 SBIR award funding, by type of award and federal agency: FY 1983–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-40 Small business technology transfer program award funding, by type of award and federal agency: FY 1994–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-41 Advanced Technology Program projects, number of participants, and funding: FY 1990–2002 Excel. PDF.
4-42 International R&D expenditures and R&D as percentage of gross domestic product, by selected country and for all OECD countries: 1981–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-43 International nondefense R&D expenditures and nondefense R&D as percentage of gross domestic product, by selected country: 1981–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-44 International R&D expenditures for selected countries, by performing sector and source of funds: Selected years, 2002–04 Excel. PDF.
4-45 Proportion of industry R&D expenditures financed by foreign sources, by selected country/region: 1981–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-46 Source of total and industry R&D expenditures for OECD countries: 1981–2002 Excel. PDF.
4-47 Government R&D budget appropriations, by selected country and socioeconomic objective: Selected years, 2001–04 Excel. PDF.
4-48 R&D expenditures by majority-owned affiliates of foreign companies in United States, by country/region of ultimate beneficial owner: 1980 and 1987–2002 Excel. PDF.
4-49 R&D performed by majority-owned affiliates of foreign companies in United States, by NAICS industry of affiliate: 1997–2002 Excel. PDF.
4-50 R&D funded by and performed by majority-owned affiliates of foreign companies in United States,by NAICS industry of affiliate: 2002 Excel. PDF.
4-51 R&D performed abroad by majority-owned foreign affiliates of U.S. parent companies, by country/economy/region: 1994–2002 Excel. PDF.
4-52 R&D performed abroad by majority-owned foreign affiliates of U.S. parent companies, by selected NAICS industry of affiliate: 1999–2002 Excel. PDF.
4-53 R&D expenditures in United States by U.S. MNC parent companies: 1994–2002 Excel. PDF.
4-54 R&D performed in United States by U.S. MNC parent companies, by NAICS industry: 1999–2002 Excel. PDF.
4-55 Company and other nonfederal funds for industrial R&D performed abroad: 1985–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-56 Company and other nonfederal funds for industrial R&D performed abroad, by NAICS industry: 1999–2003 Excel. PDF.
4-57 R&D expenditures and population, by region: 2000 Excel. PDF.

Share of business expenditures for R&D, by industry and selected country/economy: 2001–03

Excel. PDF.

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Chapter 5. Academic Research and Development

Download Chapter 5 PDF. (840K)

Table Title Excel PDF
5-1 Academic R&D expenditures directed to basic research, applied research, and development: 1970–2004 Excel. PDF.
5-2 Support for academic R&D, by sector: 1972–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-3 Federal and nonfederal R&D expenditures at academic institutions, by field and source of funds: 2003 Excel. PDF.
5-4 Academic R&D funds provided by federal government, by field: Selected years, 1980–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-5 Expenditures for academic R&D, by field: Selected years, 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-6 Federal obligations for academic R&D, by agency: 1970–2005 Excel. PDF.
5-7 Federal obligations for academic research, by agency: 1970–2005 Excel. PDF.
5-8 Federal agencies' academic research obligations, by field: FY 2003 Excel. PDF.
5-9 Federal academic research obligations provided by major agencies, by field: FY 2003 Excel. PDF.
5-10 Sources of R&D funds at private and public institutions: 1983, 1993, and 2003 Excel. PDF.
5-11 Top 100 academic institutions in R&D expenditures, by source of funds: 2003 Excel. PDF.
5-12 Academic institutions receiving federal R&D support, by selected Carnegie classification: 1972–2002 Excel. PDF.
5-13 Current expenditures for research equipment at academic institutions, by field: Selected years, 1983–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-14 Federal share of current funding for research equipment at academic institutions, by field: Selected years, 1983–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-15 Expenditures of current funds for research equipment at academic institutions as percentage of total academic R&D expenditures, by field: Selected years, 1983–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-16 Costs for new construction of S&E research space in academic institutions, by field and expected time of construction: FY 2002–05 Excel. PDF.
5-17 New construction of S&E research space in academic institutions, by field and time of construction: FY 2002-05 Excel. PDF.
5-18 Source of funds for construction of S&E research space in academic institutions, by year of project start and type of institution: FY 1986–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-19 Condition of S&E research space in academic institutions, by field: FY 2003 Excel. PDF.
5-20 Highest desktop port speed and speed of the majority of desktop ports, by type of institution: FY 2003 and 2004 Excel. PDF.
5-21 Commodity Internet (Internet 1) connection speeds, by type of institution: FY 2003 and 2004 Excel. PDF.
5-22 S&E doctorate holders employed in research universities and other academic institutions, by type of position and primary work activity: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-23 S&E doctorate holders employed in academia, by type of position, Carnegie institution type, and administrative control of institution: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-24 S&E doctorate holders employed in academia, by type of position and degree field: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-25 Recent S&E doctorate holders employed in academia, by years since doctorate, Carnegie institution type, type of position, and tenure status: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-26 Age distribution of S&E doctorate holders employed in academia, by type of position: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-27 Age distribution of S&E doctorate holders in full-time faculty positions at research universities and other academic institutions: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-28 S&E doctorate holders employed in academia, by type of position, sex, and degree field: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-29 S&E doctorate holders employed in academia, by type of position, degree field, and race/ethnicity: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-30 S&E doctorate holders employed at academic institutions, by type of position, degree field, and place of birth: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-31 S&E doctorate holders employed in academia, by degree field, type of position, and primary work activity: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-32 S&E doctorate holders employed in academia whose primary or secondary work activity was teaching or research, by type of position and degree field: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-33 Estimates of academic S&E doctoral researchers and graduate research assistants, by degree field: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-34 Estimates of total academic S&E doctoral employment, S&E doctoral researchers, and S&E graduate research assistants, by Carnegie institution type and work activity: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-35 Estimates of academic S&E doctoral researchers, by type of position and work activity: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-36 Estimates of academic S&E doctoral researchers and graduate research assistants, by degree field and work activity: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-37 Academic S&E doctorate holders with federal support, by degree field, type of position, and work activity: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-38 S&E doctorate holders employed in academia with federal support, by degree field, years since doctorate, and type of position: 1973–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-39 Broad and detailed fields for publications output data Excel. PDF.
5-40 S&E articles in selected journal databases: 1988–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-41 S&E articles, by region and country/economy: 1988–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-42 Share of S&E world article output by country/economy: 1988, 1996, and 2003 Excel. PDF.
5-43 Per capita output of S&E articles, by selected country/economy: 2000–03 Excel. PDF.
5-44 Regional and country portfolio of S&E articles, by field: 1996 Excel. PDF.
5-45 Regional and country portfolio of S&E articles, by field: 2003 Excel. PDF.
5-46 Breadth of international S&E collaboration, by country/economy and income level: 1996 and 2003 Excel. PDF.
5-47 Coauthorship share of United States, EU-15, Japan, and East Asia-4 on international S&E articles of indicated region and country/economy: 1988 Excel. PDF.
5-48 Coauthorship share of United States, EU-15, Japan, and East Asia-4 on international S&E articles of indicated region and country/economy: 1996 Excel. PDF.
5-49 Coauthorship share of United States, EU-15, Japan, and East Asia-4 on international S&E articles of indicated region and country/economy: 2003 Excel. PDF.
5-50 Coauthorship share of Eastern Europe and former USSR and selected countries of Western Europe and Asia on international S&E articles of indicated region and country/economy: 1988 Excel. PDF.
5-51 Coauthorship share of Eastern Europe and former USSR and selected countries of Western Europe and Asia on international S&E articles of indicated region and country/economy: 1996 Excel. PDF.
5-52 Coauthorship share of Eastern Europe and former USSR and selected countries of Western Europe and Asia on international S&E articles of indicated region and country/economy: 2003 Excel. PDF.
5-53 Coauthorship share of selected regions and countries on international S&E articles of indicated region and country/economy: 1988 Excel. PDF.
5-54 Coauthorship share of selected regions and countries on international S&E articles of indicated region and country/economy: 1996 Excel. PDF.
5-55 Coauthorship share of selected regions and countries on international S&E articles of indicated region and country/economy: 2003 Excel. PDF.
5-56 R&D expenditures and S&E article output of top 200 U.S. academic institutions for R&D, by quartile of R&D growth: 1988–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-57 Cross-sectoral coauthorship of S&E articles, by field and sector: 1988 Excel. PDF.
5-58 Cross-sectoral coauthorship of S&E articles, by field and sector: 2003 Excel. PDF.
5-59 Coauthorship of S&E articles, by field and sector: 1988 Excel. PDF.
5-60 Coauthorship of S&E articles, by field and sector: 2003 Excel. PDF.
5-61 Citation of S&E articles, by region and country/economy: 1992, 1997, and 2003 Excel. PDF.
5-62 Relative prominence of scientific literature, by selected field and region/country/economy: 1995 and 2003 Excel. PDF.
5-63 Share of highly cited S&E articles, by frequency of citation and region or country/economy: 1992–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-64 Share of citations in highly cited S&E journals, by frequency of citation and region or country/economy: 1992–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-65 Citation of S&E material in U.S. patents: 1987–2004 Excel. PDF.
5-66 Citation of U.S. S&E articles in U.S. patents, by field and sector: 1995–2004 Excel. PDF.
5-67 U.S. patenting activity of U.S. universities and colleges: 1983–93 Excel. PDF.
5-68 U.S. patenting activity of U.S. universities and colleges: 1994–2003 Excel. PDF.
5-69 Academic patenting and licensing activities: 1991–2003 Excel. PDF.

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Chapter 6. Industry, Technology, and the Global Marketplace

Download Chapter 6 PDF. (542K)

Table Title Excel PDF
6-1 Real GDP and real GDP per capita, by region and country/economy: Selected years, 1960–2003 Excel. PDF.
6-2 World industry production, by selected country/economy and industry: Selected years, 1980–2003 Excel. PDF.
6-3 World industry value added, by selected country/economy and industry: Selected years, 1980–2003 Excel. PDF.
6-4 World industry exports and imports, by selected country/economy and industry: Selected years, 1980–2003 Excel. PDF.
6-5 World service industry data, by selected country/economy: Selected years, 1980–2003 Excel. PDF.
6-6 U.S. trade in advanced technology products: 2000–04 Excel. PDF.
6-7 U.S. receipts and payments of royalties and fees associated with affiliated and unaffiliated foreign companies: 1987–2003 Excel. PDF.
6-8 U.S. receipts and payments of royalties and license fees generated from exchange and use of industrial processes with unaffiliated foreign companies, by region or country/economy: 1990–2003 Excel. PDF.
6-9 Leading indicators of technological competitiveness: 2005 Excel. PDF.
6-10 Leading indicators of technological competitiveness: 2003 Excel. PDF.
6-11 Leading indicators of technological competitiveness: 1999 Excel. PDF.
6-12 U.S. patents granted, by country of origin of first-named inventor and type of ownership: Pre-1990 and 1990–2003 Excel. PDF.
6-13 U.S. patent applications, by country of origin of first-named inventor: 1990–2003 Excel. PDF.
6-14 Patent classes most emphasized (top 50) by UK inventors patenting in United States: 1993 and 2003 Excel. PDF.
6-15 Patent classes most emphasized (top 50) by French inventors patenting in United States: 1993 and 2003 Excel. PDF.
6-16 U.S. biotechnology patents granted, by residence of inventor/type of ownership: Pre-1990 and 1990–2003 Excel. PDF.
6-17 U.S. biotechnology patents granted, by organization: Pre-1990 and 1990–2003 Excel. PDF.
6-18 U.S. venture capital total disbursements, by industry category: Selected years, 1980–2004 Excel. PDF.
6-19 U.S. venture capital total disbursements, by financing stage: Selected years, 1980–2004 Excel. PDF.
6-20 U.S. venture capital seed disbursements, by industry category: Selected years, 1980–2004 Excel. PDF.

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Chapter 7. Science and Technology: Public Attitudes and Understanding

Download Chapter 7 PDF. (263K)

Table Title Excel PDF
7-1 Leading source of current news, by respondent characteristic: 2004 Excel. PDF.
7-2 Leading source of information about science and technology, by respondent characteristic: 2004 Excel. PDF.
7-3 Leading source of information about specific scientific issue, by respondent characteristic: 2004 Excel. PDF.
7-4 Access to the Internet at home, by respondent characteristic: 2001 and 2004 Excel. PDF.
7-5 Level of public interest in science and technology issues: Most recent year Excel. PDF.
7-6 Types of establishments visited during the past 12 months: Most recent year Excel. PDF.
7-7 Feeling informed about selected policy issues: Selected years, 1979–2004 Excel. PDF.
7-8 Feeling informed about selected policy issues: Selected years, 1979–2004 Excel. PDF.
7-9 Feeling informed about selected policy issues, by respondent characteristic: 2004 Excel. PDF.
7-10 Correct answers to specific science literacy questions, by country/region: Most recent year Excel. PDF.
7-11 Correct answers to scientific terms and concept questions: Selected years, 1995–2004 Excel. PDF.
7-12 Correct answers to science literacy questions, by respondent characteristic: 2004 Excel. PDF.
7-13 Public understanding of nature of scientific inquiry, by respondent characteristic: 2004 Excel. PDF.
7-14 Public assessment of astrology, by respondent characteristic: Selected years, 1979–2004 Excel. PDF.
7-15 Public assessment of astrology or fortune telling, by country/region: 2001 or 2004 Excel. PDF.
7-16 Attitudes toward science and technology, by country/region: Most recent year Excel. PDF.
7-17 Public assessment of general scientific research, by respondent characteristic: Selected years, 1979–2004 Excel. PDF.
7-18 Public opinion on whether federal government should fund basic research, by respondent characteristic: Selected years, 1985–2004 Excel. PDF.
7-19 Public assessment of funding of scientific research by government: Selected years, 1996–2005 Excel. PDF.
7-20 Public assessment of federal government spending, by policy area: Selected years, 1981–2004 Excel. PDF.
7-21 Public confidence in leadership of various institutions: 1973–2004 Excel. pdf7

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