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Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center

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Field Stations

FRESC has staff and facilities at several locations throughout the Pacific Northwest and the Intermountain West:

Cascadia Field Station, Seattle, WA
This field station is not currently staffed. Ecological and social aspects of resource management issues in National Parks of the Pacific Northwest Region of the United States were prior research emphases.

Corvallis Research Group, Corvallis, OR; (541) 758-8780

Olympic Field Station, Port Angeles, WA; (360) 565-3043
Supports sound management and conservation of natural resources, with emphasis on Pacific Northwest National Parks. Major focus on long-term ecological monitoring protocols.

Snake River Field Station, Boise, ID; (208) 426-5207
Major focus on ecology and biology of birds of prey; ecology of shrubsteppe ecosytems; and avian research and monitoring. Home of Richard Olendorff Memorial Library, which contains 31,000 holdings on the subjects of raptor ecology, biology, and related topics.