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Home > Buildings & Plants > ENERGY STAR Labeled Buildings and Plants > Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center

ENERGY STAR Labeled Building Profile

Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center
1201 Broadrock Blvd
Richmond, VA 23249


McGuire VA Medical Center in Richmond, Virginia, has participated in a Veterans Affairs energy monitoring program for the past 20 years. The monitoring reports showed where McGuire ranked in comparison with other VA facilities as an energy saver. During the past 3 years, plans were made and implemented to incorporate energy-saving projects in Richmond along with the seven other medical centers in the Veterans Administration Integrated Service Network (VISN.) The 2,000,000 square foot Richmond facility undertook the following projects: replacement of lighting with T-8 lamps, replacement of a chiller with a high efficiency unit, replacement of steam traps with improved units, replacement of exit lights with low voltage fixtures, and replacement of boiler controls with improved energy efficient units. These projects, along with an ongoing program of energy monitoring through the Building Management System and an active maintenence program, resulted in significant improvements in the facility's energy savings.


McGuire VA Medical Center has regularly used Energy Awareness materials, including posters and flyers. Internally, management staff and employees have been updated on performance and projects through meetings, town hall gatherings, and newsletters.


McGuire VA Medical Center is pleased to have earned the Environmental Protection Agency's prestigious ENERGY STAR for operating an energy-efficient facility that conserves our community's resources. We are proud to provide quality healthcare and help make our community a better place to live.
-- William E. Lewis, Jr. , Staff Engineer, McGuire V. A. Medical Center, Richmond, VA

The narrative information in this profile has been provided by Department of Veterans Affairs or a representative of this facility.

Federal Building

Building Owner:
Department of Veterans Affairs

Property Manager:
Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center

Year(s) Labeled (Rating):
2005 (95)
2002 (95)

Facility Type: Hospital (Acute Care or Children's)

Total Floorspace: 2056000 sf

Year Constructed: 1983

Energy Intensity: 113 kBtu/sf/yr

Contract Type: Performance Contract
Financing Type: Internal Capital

Technologies Used:

   Stage 1-Recommissioning
    + Steam Trap Maintenance
   Stage 2-Lighting
    + T8 or T5 Lamps
   Stage 3-Load Reductions
    + Upgrade Roof Insulation
   Stage 4-Fan Systems
    + Fan VFD's
   Stage 5-Heating and Cooling Plant
    + High Efficiency Chillers
   Other Technologies/Strategies
    + Co-Generation

For More Info:
Doug Belling
Management Analyst
Washington, DC 20420
