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State-specific information:

Significant Pipeline Incidents By Cause

This report is a sub-report of the New Hampshire Significant Incident and Mileage Overview report. As such, it represents Significant Incidents (A) only over the time period and pipeline system specified.

The data source for this table is the PHMSA Filtered Incident Files. (1) (2) (3)

More Pipeline Incidents and Mileage Reports are available.

New Hampshire All Pipeline Systems: Significant Incident Details: 1998-2008 YTD
Reported Cause of Incident Number % Fatalities Injuries Property Damage (B) (C) % of Property Damage
THIRD PARTY EXCAVATION DAMAGE 1 100.0% 0 0 $562,535 100.0%
Sub Total 1100.0% 0 0 $562,535100.0%
Totals 1 100.0% 0 0 $562,535 100.0%
New Hampshire, All Pipeline Systems, 1998-2008 YTD

No Data Available

No Data Available

No Data Available

No Data Available

No Data Available

No Data Available

No Data Available

New Hampshire Gas Distribution: Significant Incident Details: 1998-2008 YTD
Reported Cause of Incident Number % Fatalities Injuries Property Damage (B) (C) % of Property Damage
THIRD PARTY EXCAVATION DAMAGE 1 100.0% 0 0 $562,535 100.0%
Sub Total 1100.0% 0 0 $562,535100.0%
Totals 1 100.0% 0 0 $562,535 100.0%
New Hampshire, Gas Distribution, 1998-2008 YTD


  1. Significant Incidents are those incidents reported by pipeline operators with any of the following conditions are met: 1) fatality or injury requiring in-patient hospitalization. 2) $50,000 or more in total costs, measured in 1984 dollars. 3) highly volatile liquid releases of 5 barrels or more or other liquid releases of 50 barrels or more. 4) liquid releases resulting in an unintentional fire or explosion. Note: Significant Incidents include all Serious Incidents. Unless otherwise noted, any counts of Significant Incidents also include Serious Incidents.
  2. Costs in the current year (2008) are nominal (as reported). The costs for incidents prior to 2008 are presented in 2007 dollars. Cost of Gas lost is indexed via the Energy Information Administration, Natural Gas City Gate Prices. All other costs are adjusted via the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Government Printing Office inflation values.
  3. For years 2002 and later, property damage is estimated as the sum of all public and private costs reported in the 30-day incident report. For years prior to 2002, accident report forms did not include a breakdown of public and private costs so property damage for these years is the reported total property damage field in the report. All costs prior to 2008 are expressed in 2007 dollars. Costs in current year (2008) are nominal.


  1. PHMSA Hazardous Liquid Filtered Incidents File - October 14, 2008
  2. PHMSA Gas Transmission Filtered Incidents File - October 14, 2008
  3. PHMSA Gas Distribution Filtered Incidents File - October 14, 2008

See Pipeline Incidents and Mileage Reports for more pipeline safety reports.

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