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Compliance Tools

RFS Report Checker & RIN Inventory

EPA has created two new tools to assist RFS reporting parties. The first tool, RFS Report Checker, will help reporting parties identify and fix common reporting errors prior to report submission. The second tool, RIN Inventory, will help reporting parties keep track of quarterly purchases, sales and retirements to prepare for the RFS0100 report. EPA designed these tools in an effort to reduce the number of resubmittals EPA receives for RFS Reports.

Note: These compliance tools were created to help identify common reporting errors. However, the use of these tools in no way guarantees that reports will not have to be resubmitted, nor does their use protect against violations. Both utilities contain macros. If you are uncomfortable using macros or your company has a policy against opening files that contain macros, then do not use these tools.

RFS Report Checker

This tool, known as "The Report Checker V2" is an Excel utility that scans report data for common formatting errors. When the tool finds errors it alerts the user to problems by turning the report yellow and the data red. The Report Checker V2 also provides helpful error messages in each errant cell. The Report Checker V2 is easy to use; simply copy and paste report data into the utility, and press the "Run Report Checker V2" button. Instructions for The Report Checker V2 are included in the attached file.

Please note this is version 2 of The Report Checker. If you requested version 1 which was provided through Enviroflash, please download version 2. Version 2 has some additional functionality including a comparison of your RFS0100 and RFS0200 RIN totals.

RFS Report Checker V2 (XLS, 202k)

Note: There are limitations with the current version of the Report Checker. The current Report Checker does not:

Plan to introduce improved versions of the Report Checker in the future.

RIN Inventory

The RIN Inventory will also assist reducing the number of resubmittals. The RIN Inventory will help keep track of your quarterly purchases, sales and retirements to prepare for the RFS0100 report.

RIN Inventory (XLS, 214K)

A few Dos and Don'ts:

If you are having trouble using or downloading these files, please call the RFS Support Line at 202-343-9755

This page is maintained by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).
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