Current Issue of Outdoor America
Outdoor America Magazine

May is American Wetlands Month!

American Wetlands Month is a wonderful opportunity to conserve wetlands and help educate others about their importance. Join thousands of Americans each May in celebrating the uniqueness, beauty and importance of wetlands.

How Do I Celebrate American Wetlands Month?

There are many ways to put your creativity and enthusiasm to work for wetlands. In May and throughout the year, celebrate wetlands with projects that range from one-day events with minimal planning to long-term programs. Urge elected officials to join the effort to protect wetlands. Restore wetlands by planting native vegetation. Monitor the health of local wetlands. Or just take a picnic lunch to a neighborhood wetland and enjoy! Click here for more project ideas, information, and helpful links to get started.

How the Izaak Walton League Can Help

The Izaak Walton League has the tools to help you celebrate American Wetlands Month and learn more about wetland ecology, functions and values. In addition to providing a variety of free, downloadable conservation tools and fact sheets, the League offers technical and networking assistance to anyone interested in wetland conservation by e-mail,, and through our technical assistance telephone line, (800) BUG-IWLA (284-4952). Need posters, pamphlets or videos to help promote American Wetlands Month locally? Several items are available for sale through the League's online store (click on "Support Materials"). Click here for information on how to order League publications and videos on wetland ecology, functions and values, monitoring and stewardship.  Need it now?  Our wetland focused fact sheets and archived copies of our electronic newsletter, Wetland Sights and Sounds, issues are easy to download and make great educational hand-outs for your Americans Wetland Month event.

In addition, the League provides training in wetland ecology and how to protect wetlands through on-the-ground conservation projects, legislative advocacy, and educational programs. We provide this training through Webcasts and Workshops.

Clean Water Info