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Laws, Regulations, Treaties

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Key federal statutes governing wetlands in the United States

Laws Regulations Guidance Scientific Documents


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Section 404 Regulations

Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines - guidelines, established by the EPA, that constitute the substantive environmental criteria used in evaluating activities regulated under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act

Compensatory Mitigation Rule - On March 31, 2008, EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) issued revised regulations governing compensatory mitigation for authorized impacts to wetlands, streams, and other waters of the U.S. under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. These regulations are designed to improve the effectiveness of compensatory mitigation to replace lost aquatic resource functions and area, expand public participation in compensatory mitigation decision making, and increase the efficiency and predictability of the mitigation project review process.

Permit Regulations - regulations, established by the Army Corps of Engineers, that specifies the procedures and criteria for the issuance of Section 404 permits.

Program Definitions and Permit Exemptions - established by the EPA, these definitions apply to the Section 404 program and clarify which activities are exempted from regulation under Section 404(f) of the Clean Water Act.

Section 404(c) Regulations - regulations to clarify EPA´s authority to restrict or prohibit the use of an area for discharge of dredged or fill material if the discharge will have unacceptable adverse impacts.

Nationwide Permit Program - program established by the Army Corps of Engineers that allows the Corps to grant general permits for similar categories of discharges that will have only minimal adverse effects.

Enforcement Regulations - regulations, established by the EPA, to outline options available to the agencies to enforce the provisions of Section 404.

State Assumption Regulations - regulations that specify the procedures and criteria used by EPA in assessing State assumption of section 404 programs.

Tribal Assumption Regulations - regulations that specify the procedures and criteria used by EPA in assessing Tribal assumption of section 404 programs.


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