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PSA Transcript
Justice for Victims—Spot #1—60 Seconds

[A young woman, Nobuko, stands in a hallwayfacing the camera and gives the date of her victimization]
Nobuko: August 9, 1999.

[A man and woman sit on a couch with a male child seated between them, the child holds a photograph of his 7-year-old brother, camera moves in for closeup of photograph. The man, Ruett, gives the date of the family's victimization.]
Ruett: December 8, 1997.

[A woman, Miriam, stands alone facing the camera and gives the date of her victimization.)
Miriam: November 30, 2002.

[Miriam stands facing the camera with her arms around her two young daughters, who stand on either side of her.]
Miriam: I was hit by a drunk driver. I lost both of my legs.

[A young woman, Heather, sitting, facing camera]
Heather: A stranger tried to kill me with a hammer.

[Closeup of the mother of the murdered boy, Rhonda.]
Rhonda: Our 7-year-old son Evan was murdered after signing up for basketball.

[A man, Edward, stands on an indoor basketball court, facing the camera]
Edward: I was severely beaten in a hate crime.

[Nobukostands in a hallway,facing the camera.]
Nobuko: I was raped.

[Closeup of Rhonda moving to view of all of Foster family sitting on their couch]
Voiceover, Ruett: When your child is murdered, it's devastating. You have to rethink life again.

[Edward, standing on the basketball court, facing the camera]
Edward: It just keeps on running over and over in my head all the time.

[Heather,sitting, facing camera]
Heather: While I was in the hospital, a friend told me about victim services.

[Miriam sitting, with one daughter at her side, the other on her lap]
Miriam: They helped me with my medical expenses.

[Nobuko stands in a hallway,facing the camera.]
Nobuko: They helped with counseling.

[The Foster family seated on a couch, then close up of Ruett]
Voiceover, Ruett: A victims' advocate stood by us through the court process.

[Closeup of Edward]
Edward: Victim assistance paid all my hospital bills.

[Closeup of Heather,sitting, facing camera]
Heather: I needed them to fight for me while I was fighting for my life.

[Nobukostands in a hallway,facing the camera. Speaks seriously, snaps pictures with a 35 mm camera, then smiles.]
Nobuko: With the right help, you can move on with your life.

[Miriam stands facing the camera with her arms around her two young daughters, who stand on either side of her.]
Miriam: I will dance the salsa again.

[Final screen is black with white text.]
Voiceover of NCVRW 2005 Slogan: Justice isn't served until crime victims are.

[Rest of final screen is black with white text, no voiceover: Know your rights. For victims' assistance: At the bottom of the screen are the Department of Justice seal and the OVC logo.]

[End of video clip.]

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This document was last updated on May 29, 2008