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Crime Victims

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Professionals working with victims of crime may find the following training-related links of interest:

Denver Victim Services 2000 Community Advocate Program (September 2001)
This fact sheet (FS 000272) describes the Community Advocate (CA) Program, an outreach initiative of the Denver, Colorado, Victim Services 2000 demonstration project funded by OVC. CAs are known, respected, and involved members of underserved and unserved communities; they can establish trust within a community and build bridges between victims and victim service providers. The fact sheet discusses development of the CA Program, services provided by CAs in Denver communities, and the types of crime addressed by CAs.

I'm Going to Federal Court with Mark & Julie (1997)
This OVC activity book (PDF only) includes pages to color, games, puzzles, and information to teach child witnesses about the court experience they face. The book is a companion piece to the video Inside Federal Court (September 1995; NCJ 157156), which also instructs children and their families about the court process to build confidence and reduce anxiety about testifying. PDF

Learning About Victims of Crime: A Training Model for Victim Service Providers and Allied Professionals (September 2003)
Fifth in a series documenting the accomplishments of the Victim Services 2000 (VS2000) project, this OVC bulletin (NCJ 199934) summarizes initiatives at the Denver VS2000 site and how participants there approached cross training victim service providers and allied professionals in faith communities, law enforcement settings, and judicial and other legal settings.

National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center
Through scientific research, evidence-based treatment, professional education, and consultation, the center works to achieve a better understanding of the impact of criminal victimization on adults, children, and their families.

Providing Relief to Families After a Mass Fatality: Roles of the Medical Examiner's Office and the Family Assistance Center (November 2002)
This bulletin (NCJ 188912) offers medical examiners, coroners, and victim assistance professionals guidance, resources, and lessons learned about working with victims' families after a mass fatality event. Recommendations are drawn from the disaster response practices used by the National Transportation Safety Board and the experiences of the Oklahoma City Medical Examiner's Office during the aftermath of the 1995 terrorist bombing in that city.

You Have the Power ... Know How to Use It, Inc. (YHTP)
YHTP efforts raise awareness about crime and justice issues to prevent violent crime and reduce victimization. YHTP resources and activities include public forums, documentary videos, and practical resource books on topics such as domestic violence, elder abuse, surviving crime, and child sexual abuse.

If you would like to suggest a new link, resource, or topic, please forward your suggestion via AskOVC.

This document was last updated on October 17, 2008