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two photos: snow-capped mountain peak and frost-covered branch Because of the unique challenges facing tribal
waste managers, we have developed resource
guides featuring in-depth information specific
to Indian Country.


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Tribal Solid Waste Journal
Each issue of EPA's Tribal Waste Journal features articles focused on one topic. There are also interview, resources, contacts, and a section for kids.

Tribal Decision Makers Guide to Solid Waste Management

Open Dump Cleanup Project Helps Tribes Fight Waste (PDF) (2 pp, 222K) | Order Online
The Open Dump Cleanup Project is a multi-agency commitment to help tribes throughout Indian Country close open dumps, clean up waste on tribal land, and develop safe solid waste management practices.

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Other EPA Tribal Municipal Solid Waste Publications

The ABCs of C&D Debris: Tribal Construction and Demolition Debris Management Training Course

This training guide, developed by EPA and the Tribal Association for Solid Waste and Emergency Response, presents information, ideas, and lessons on how to manage C&D debris on tribal lands. It includes sections tribal specific issues, planning and funding, waste reduction, recycling, landfill disposal, waste screening, and safety.

Waste Reduction Tips for Hotels and Casinos in Indian Country (PDF) (6 pp, 602K)
There are approximately 400 hotels, motels, and resorts, and 200 casinos and bingo halls located in Indian Country. These facilities generate a tremendous amount of solid waste, including food waste, glass containers, metal cans, plastics, paper and cardboard. Hotel and casino operators have found that waste prevention reduces purchasing costs and disposal fees. Order Online

Training and Technical Assistance Directory for Tribal Solid Waste Managers (PDF) (96 pp, 592K) | Text Version (text file) (244K)
To help meet tribal needs for training and technical assistance, EPA has compiled a listing of potential sources of support for tribal municipal solid waste management efforts. It includes stand-alone programs and partnerships between tribes, states, and local communities. Order Online

Publications on Solid Waste Management in Indian Country (PDF) (16 pp, 228K) | Text Version (text file) (50K)
This bibliography, first published in December 1996, has been updated and expanded. For the first time, it includes Internet locations for documents available electronically. The document also includes descriptions of EPA, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), and Native American organization publications designed to assist tribal leaders, environmental personnel, and the general public in developing, implementing, and expanding integrated solid waste management programs. Order Online

Partnerships in Solid Waste Management (PDF) (4 pp, 52K) | Text Version (text file) (12K)
This tip sheet discusses working in partnership with other tribes, states, or local governments to address solid waste issues. The document provides a list of other partnership resources and a case study describing the partnership of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians with Swain County, North Carolina.  Order Online

Recycling Guide for Native American Nations | PDF Version (20 pp, 218K) | Text Version (text file) (26K)
This EPA brochure provides useful information for tribes interested in developing recycling programs. Topics include setting up a recycling program (collecting materials, staffing, educating the community, and reducing waste), creating recycling jobs, and buying recycled products. Order Online

Illegal Dumping Prevention Guidebook | PDF Version (33 pp, 1.1MB)
(Published by EPA Region 5)
This Guidebook contains general information about illegal dumping and guidance for developing a prevention program. A toolkit of practices that have proven effective in combating illegal dumping is included along with case studies from across the United States detailing successful implementation of those practices. The guidebook is intended for use by state, tribal and local government officials, community groups, industry and utilities.

To order a hard copy of the Illegal Dumping Prevention Guidebook (EPA905-B-97-001), contact EPA Region 5 at 800-621-8431.

Everything You Wanted to Know About Environmental Regulations...But Were Afraid to Ask
(Published by EPA Region 7)
This quick reference guide assists tribes with environmental issues facing their communities. It offers brief, clear information on many topics and alerts the reader to where to turn for in-depth information and assistance. The manual is organized according to key program areas, including tribal, cross-media, air, land, and water. Since these program areas are national in scope, this publication is useful for tribes both inside and outside Region 7.

To order a hard copy of the manual (EPA907-R-95-002), contact the Region 7 library at 913 551-7241.

A Native American Agenda for Action: Solid Waste Management in the 1990's
(Published by EPA Region 6)
The Pueblo of Zuni, September 1994.
This document describes the scope of the solid waste problem in Native American communities and provides possible solutions. It outlines the concept of integrated solid waste management and defines its elements: source reduction, recycling, composting, combustion, and landfilling. It presents a Native American agenda to increase recycling and to enhance solid waste management planning and implementation, and stresses the importance of a tribal partnership with federal agencies. Appendices include information on federal assistance, a bibliography, and a solid waste survey form.

To order a copy, contact
Melissa McQueen (mcqueen.melissa@epa.gov) of EPA Region 6 at 214-665-6760.

Mining Waste Publications

Publications on Mining Waste Management in Indian Country (PDF) (16 pp, 635K) | Order Online
This updated document describes EPA publications produced to assist tribal leaders, environmental personnel, and the general public with mining and mineral processing issues. It includes publications relating to mining waste management and engineering practices. These publications discuss environmental impacts from non-coal mining operations, mining source reduction and recycling opportunities, and innovative techniques for waste management.

Mining Waste Rulemaking Documents
These documents contain technical background information covering EPA's mining waste rulemakings and Report to Congress. These documents identify waste streams produced by mineral processing, potential for mismanagement, waste disposal practices, and human health and environmental damages.

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Grants and Funding

Grant Resources for Solid Waste Activities in Indian Country (PDF) (88 pp, 4.5MB) | Text Version (text file) (208K) | Order Online
This resource guide, first published in December 1996, has been expanded to provide new and updated federal and private grant resource information. EPA developed this grant resource guide to help tribes, Alaska native villages, and community and nonprofit organizations identify financial assistance opportunities for their solid waste management programs. The guide also helps you find specific information explaining how to obtain tax-exempt status for your organization, locating other grant resources, and preparing successful grant proposals.

Preparing Successful Grant Proposals (PDF) (4 pp, 73K) | Text Version (text file) (10K) | Order Online
This tip sheet describes procedures that tribes and Alaska native villages can follow when applying for solid waste management grants.  The tip sheet provides resources for identifying grantors, a checklist for grant proposal writing, and a case study describing The Sitka Tribe of Alaska's successful Jobs Through Recycling grant proposal. 

EPA Region 8 Grant Resources Guide

A Guide to Federal Grant Resources for Community Organizations, Tribal Organizations, and Tribal Governments
This guide identifies 44 federal environmental protection grant programs for entities including tribal governments and organizations. For each grant, it provides objectives, financial information, eligibility requirements, contact points, and more. Additional sections advise applicants on preparation of grant proposals, budgeting for projects, and completing standard forms.

For more information or to obtain a copy of the guide, contact Region 8 at 800 227-8917 .

General Services Administration Grant Resources Catalog

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Exit EPA
The catalog describes over 1,000 domestic assistance programs administered by the federal government. The catalog is updated by the US General Services Administration twice a year in June and December. As a basic reference source for federal programs, the catalog helps users identify programs that meet their objectives and obtain information on federal assistance programs. In addition, the catalog is intended to improve coordination and communication between the federal government and state, local, and tribal governments.

Other Funding Resources

Indian General Assistance Program (GAP) provides an opportunity for tribes to build capacity and management capability to implement environmental programs administered by the US EPA. Under the Program, tribes can tailor capacity-building through an integrated plan that may include financial assistance complemented and/or supplemented with additional assistance through project and program-specific grants.

The Environmental Finance Program (EFP) page and EFP's Environmental Financial Tools page offer an extensive collection of information and links concerning funding sources across all EPA offices.

Grant and Fellowship Information is available from various agency departments. The page has links to grant resources, research and study fellowship information, and other sources of financial assistance.

OECA's State and Tribal Grant (STAG) Program page describes many grant programs available to tribes and lists EPA regional and headquarters personnel who tribes can contact for grant information.

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General EPA Solid Waste Publications

A Collection of Solid Waste Resources on CD-ROM
This CD-ROM contains scores of publications on how to reduce, reuse, and recycle trash and properly manage different forms of solid and hazardous waste. The CD can be used on any IBM compatible computer with Windows 3.x or higher.

Catalog of Hazardous And Solid Waste Publications
This catalog lists hazardous and solid waste documents released by EPA. This is a select list of publications that are frequently requested and is not a comprehensive list of all documents available.

Decision-Makers' Guide to Solid Waste Management, Second Edition (Volume II) | Order Online
The Decision-Makers' Guide to Solid Waste Management provides detailed information to help communities implement integrated MSW management programs. It covers technical, legal, economic, political, and social issues essential to developing effective waste management programs.  Detailed guidance is provided on collection and transfer, source reduction, recycling, composting, combustion, and land disposal of solid waste.

RCRA Orientation Manual
This manual provides introductory information on solid and hazardous waste management program requirements under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The basic framework of the RCRA regulatory program is also addressed. The document covers an introduction to RCRA; managing solid waste and hazardous waste; materials recovery; RCRA's relationship to other environmental statues; and public involvement requirements. Appendices include a hazardous waste manifest, land disposal restriction notification requirements, glossary, acronyms and abbreviations, EPA organization chart, and environmental contacts.

See also publications at the Web sites listed in the Resource Links section.

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