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RCRA Burden Reduction Initiative

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This section describes the series of rulemakings for reducing the reporting burden under RCRA Subtitle C:

2006 Final Rule

EPA, in accordance with the goals of the Paperwork Reduction Act, is promulgating changes to the regulatory requirements of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste program to reduce the paperwork burden these requirements impose on the states, EPA, and the regulated community.

EPA estimates that the total annual savings under this rule ranges from 22,000 to 37,500 hours a year. The total annual cost savings are about $2 to $3 million. This rule streamlines our information collection requirements, ensuring that only the information that is actually needed and used to implement the RCRA program is collected. These paperwork reductions retain the safety and integrity of the hazardous waste management system. Background information for this final rule is available through Regulations.gov.

To use Regulations.gov:

  1. Select Docket Search.
  2. Select "Environmental Protection Agency" from the Agency drop-down menu.
  3. In the Docket ID box, type in the docket number — EPA-HQ-RCRA-1999-0031 and press the "Submit" button to receive search results. Be patient; loading the documents takes time.

Federal Register Notice - April 4, 2006 || PDF (55pp, 338K)

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2003 Notice of Data Availability

The EPA requested additional comment on ideas for reducing the recordkeeping and reporting burden imposed on the states, the public, and the regulated community under the Subtitle C hazardous waste regulations of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The burden reduction ideas in this notice were suggested by commenters on our proposed rule, published in the Federal Register on January 17, 2002.

This notice provided EPA with the opportunity to receive public input on these ideas before issuing a final burden reduction rule. EPA is only considered comments on the ideas discussed in the October 2003 notice. We did not reopen for comment any of the other ideas discussed in the proposed rule. Background information for this notice is available through Regulations.gov.

To use Regulations.gov:

  1. Select Docket Search.
  2. Select "Environmental Protection Agency" from the Agency drop-down menu.
  3. In the Docket ID box, type in the docket number — EPA-HQ-RCRA-1999-0031 and press the "Submit" button to receive search results. Be patient; loading the documents takes time.

Federal Register Notice - October 29, 2003 || PDF (10 pp, 53K)

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2002 Proposed Rule

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed on January 17, 2002 to reduce the recordkeeping and reporting burden the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) imposes on the states, the public, and the regulated community. The burden reduction ideas proposed will have no anticipated impact on the protections for human health and the environment we have established. At the same time, our proposals will eliminate nonessential paperwork. Background information for this proposed rule is available through Regulations.gov.

To use Regulations.gov:

  1. Select Docket Search.
  2. Select "Environmental Protection Agency" from the Agency drop-down menu.
  3. In the Docket ID box, type in the docket number — EPA-HQ-RCRA-1999-0031 and press the "Submit" button to receive search results. Be patient; loading the documents takes time.

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1999 Notice of Data Availability and Request for Comment -

To meet the goals of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the EPA announced plans to reduce the recordkeeping and reporting burden on states, the public and regulated community associated with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The Paperwork Reduction Act establishes a federal government-wide goal to reduce the recordkeeping and reporting burden on the states, the public and regulated community by 40 percent. We are working to reduce burden while protecting human health and the environment.

For this Notice of Data Availability (NODA), we reviewed our recordkeeping and reporting requirements and their burden on the states, public, and regulated community; reviewed burden reduction ideas developed by other EPA offices and the regulated community; developed additional burden reduction ideas; and sought input from EPA offices and states. In this NODA, we solicited comment on our ideas and our background documents.

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